Aquarius 2020 September Monthly Love Horoscope

Aquarius 2020 September Monthly Love Horoscope

MONTH OF SEP 2020: As information guru Mercury teams up with fair-minded Libra on September 5, a lot of things should click into place. This balanced energy loves to bridge the gap between differences, so this is the perfect time to patch up any outstanding disagreements. Be as fair and nonjudgmental as possible.

The Venus-Uranus square on the fifteenth challenges the stability of a current relationship or causes you to doubt a potential one. If you’ve been feeling confined or smothered lately, this transit will increase your claustrophobic state of mind. Whether you’re attached or single, you value your freedom.

You normally don’t mind posting about your love life on social media or telling your friends about a date, but you aren’t as eager to share the intimate details when talkative Mercury teams up with tight-lipped Scorpio on September 27. For the next couple weeks, you prefer to keep your passionate experiences to yourself.

When committed Saturn goes direct in dedicated Capricorn, the sign it rules, on the twenty-eighth, you have a renewed commitment to your romantic goals. The rewards you seek are up ahead—you just have to be willing to work to reach them. The Goat’s ambitious energy can help you climb higher than ever before.