Aries 2019 October Monthly Love Horoscope

Aries 2019 October Monthly Love Horoscope

MONTH OF OCT 2019: Do you have any relationship regrets? We all do, Aries, so you’re not alone. And you can use the regenerative power from Pluto going direct in determined Capricorn on October 3 to finally gain power over those things you’d do differently.

Your ruler Mars enters poised Libra, also on the third, so your aggressive romantic approach gets decidedly less so. Now is a good time to use your charming power of persuasion to get what you want.

When passionate Venus pairs up with intense Scorpio on October 8, your (probably already hot) sex life gets a boost. This isn’t just a physical thing, though. You crave a deeply spiritual, emotional, and mental connection as well. If you can’t possess someone entirely, you lose interest.

There’s a full moon in your driven sign on the thirteenth that gives you the confidence to take a romantic situation to the next level, but it’s important to get some closure on the past before moving forward. Think you’re over an ex? Be positively sure before you close the door all the way.

The sun meets up with Scorpio’s intense energy on October 23, filling the next month with subtle determination. You probably won’t let everyone know what you’re up to, but you’re working quietly behind the scenes to get what you feel you deserve.


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