Capricorn February 2018 Love Horoscope

Capricorn February 2018 Love Horoscope

Lead, follow or get out of my way could be your mantra now, as Mars, the planet of drive and initiative, reports for duty in your sign on the 6th, which he only does every 2 years. As the initiating earth sign, you are usually full of get up and go to climb your mountain of success, but now you are literally unstoppable. When Mars is in your sign, it’s time to become one with your passion. Nothing less will do.

Be aware that you could easily run over others now in your desire to reach your goals. With the Sun, Venus and the New Moon all in Aquarius, which defies convention and challenges the status quo, in your house of resources (money, time, raw materials), you may depart somewhat from your usual reserved, serious way of doing things because you decide there is a more innovative way to use your talents and your resources.

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