Daily Horoscope Friday – Mar 20, 2020

Daily Horoscope Friday – Mar 20, 2020

Aries Daily Horoscope Friday – Mar 20, 2020
Tension between what you’re hoping for and your means to achieve it could arise today, but this feeling won’t last long. Once triggering Mars conjoins Jupiter in your 10th House of Professional Activities, an issue related to this area of your life could take over your day. Testy energies that have been brewing at work or while you’re working from home may come to a head now. If that’s the case, you might have to jump in and help squash this problem once and for all. It won’t be easy, but taking the high road will lead you down a better path.

Taurus Daily Horoscope Friday – Mar 20, 2020
Even in the roughest times of life, there is still something to gain. You may have recently begun seeing yourself as others see you, and while it may have be uncomfortable, it was ultimately instructive. This could come in handy today once daring Mars and exuberant Jupiter unite in your 9th House of Expansion. These two planets are meeting in logistical Capricorn, and it may be all you can do to stay level-headed under pressure. Your newfound self-knowledge could be your secret weapon against this energy. Wield it wisely.

Gemini Daily Horoscope Friday – Mar 20, 2020
Something seems amiss today, but you can’t quite put your finger on what it is. You may not have the luxury of exploring this matter further once instigative Mars meets up with next-level Jupiter in your 8th House of Shared Resources. At this time, you might find yourself scrambling to get important paperwork in by a deadline or managing an important agreement of some kind. Whatever the case, use your natural ability to think on your feet and find solutions to problems to get you through this. Today’s turbulence could be tomorrow’s windfall.

Cancer Daily Horoscope Friday – Mar 20, 2020
Relating to others is hard at times — especially when you cannot do it in person — but your emotional wisdom serves you well. This will come in handy today when excitable Mars unites with Jupiter in serious Capricorn in your 7th House of Others. Someone could reach out to you asking for a verbal agreement of some kind, if not a signed one. Discussions around this matter might become uncomfortable as passions run high. Keeping a cool head may prove difficult, even for an ultra-caring person like you. Tap into your higher self and stay above the fray.

Leo Daily Horoscope Friday – Mar 20, 2020
A close relationship of yours may sometimes seem like a hindrance to you making progress in your life, and this could be one of those times. Taking it personally won’t help, so it’s best to let this frustration go. Besides, youve got bigger fish to fry as speedy Mars catches up to flamboyant Jupiter in your 6th House of Health today. While you may have been working on bettering your well-being for some time, it’s clear now that diligent wellness routines should be a top priority. Remember, health is wealth.

Virgo Daily Horoscope Friday – Mar 20, 2020
Difficult times can sometimes lead to beautiful destinations. It’s likely you feel put through the wringer lately, but the day’s cosmic energies could bring much-needed reprieve. Action planet Mars joins exuberant Jupiter in your 5th House of Creative Projects today, creating a burst of get-it-done vibes that puts some pep back in your step. It may be all you can do to keep up with what’s presenting itself to you now. You may even be required to take a leap of faith. It’s true that dynamic tension can make for explosions of innovations.

Libra Daily Horoscope Friday – Mar 20, 2020
Feeling pulled between what you want and what you can achieve could cause angst now. This theme also shows up in an impossible-to-ignore way today relating to home and family matters. Challenges present themselves on the home front, and the people-pleaser in you could have difficulty putting one foot in front of the other and doing the next, most practical thing. Lean into your inner leader now, focusing on what needs to happen instead of what makes others feel good. Catering to others isn’t as important as getting things done.

Scorpio Daily Horoscope Friday – Mar 20, 2020
If your family hasn’t been able to get along with someone you care about, it’s probably been a source of stress for you. As brash Mars meets up with exaggerative Jupiter in your 3rd House of Communications, words may clash around this matter today. Even though your verbalizations are minimal, they could be terse, and a whole host of thoughts will come rolling off your tongue. Though you may not be around each other for a while, keep collateral damage to a minimum by cleaning up behind yourself. While apologies may be called for, whatever has been said probably has some truth to it.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Friday – Mar 20, 2020
Saving for a rainy day pays off when it starts pouring. You may feel compelled to funnel your energy into work, but you’d be better off focusing on whatever is going on in your finances. As incendiary Mars meets fan-the-flames Jupiter in your 2nd House of Earning, some kind of monetary issue could present itself. But this doesn’t have to be a bad thing; in fact, it could serve as the motivation you’ve needed to create more structure and order in this part of your life. Responsibility now can create abundance later.

Capricorn Daily Horoscope Friday – Mar 20, 2020
The opportunities in front of you don’t necessarily jive with what you really want. But this disappointment dissipates as more important matters become your priority. Whatever has been building for some time could come to a head as combative Mars meets amplified Jupiter in your 1st House of Self. Because these planets are in your own sign of in-it-for-the-long-haul Capricorn, you have the unique ability to recognize how todays experiences play into the bigger picture. Whatever unfolds now is a punctuation mark in a much longer story.

Aquarius Daily Horoscope Friday – Mar 20, 2020
Despite your best intentions, what you do now may not be received well by loved ones. These things happen, so try not to take it too personally. Conserve your energy for what could be a big catharsis of your subconscious mind when galvanizing Mars catches up to sweeping Jupiter in your 12th House of Hidden Matters today. It would behoove you to find time to be alone, using it as an opportunity to process what drifts into your consciousness. Allowing these thoughts to wander into your reality helps you move through them.

Pisces Daily Horoscope Friday – Mar 20, 2020
Being separated from others may bring extra uneasiness today, but don’t allow yourself to fall too far down the rabbit hole. Sit with this feeling until it passes. Besides, you can still put your attention toward a group you’re a part of as fervent Mars joins billowing Jupiter in your 11th House of Community. Your compassionate viewpoint could be just the thing to smooth out any harsh words that are exchanged between others. Beware of getting too swept up in the fracas. Yes, it’s nice to protect others, but you must protect yourself first.