Daily Horoscope Friday – Sep 20, 2019

Daily Horoscope Friday – Sep 20, 2019

Aries Daily Horoscope Friday – Sep 20, 2019
Slow down to speak your truth today, especially to loved ones who rally to support you time and time again. Although you may experience a powerful surge of emotionally charged energy now, your initial reaction might be to brush it off and tackle a lot of tasks instead. Curb your inclination to get busy and redirect it toward talking through your feelings. The silver-tongued Gemini Moon creates a sweet trine to vivacious Venus in your 7th House of Others, inspiring your clever eloquence and sparkling charm. Lighten your load by unburdening your heart.

Taurus Daily Horoscope Friday – Sep 20, 2019
Investing in yourself is a sensible strategy if you want to enjoy a long life well lived. You might be tempted to try an unconventional technique today. Unfortunately, turning your world upside down isnt advisable while antsy Mars forms an anxious connection with erratic Uranus in your sign. Although you may spend a fair amount of energy and money on your health now, its more effective to make small adjustments that magnify your wellbeing over time. Nevertheless, treating yourself with the finest care is a critical priority, not merely an option. Roman poet Virgil wrote, The greatest wealth is health.

Gemini Daily Horoscope Friday – Sep 20, 2019
Youre on a treasure hunt for pleasure and nothing will deter you from finding it. You are so fixed on having fun that you text a list of your friends, inviting them over to hang out. Or you might seek the attention of a current or past love interest for their company and comfort. Similarly, you may drum up new romantic prospects with lighthearted banter while out on the dance floor or at the market. If all potential people connections fall through today, take a cue from the cosmos and shift your attention to beautifying your home. Soak up and savor the possibilities wherever they arise.

Cancer Daily Horoscope Friday – Sep 20, 2019
Introspective time alone allows you to gain a healthier perspective on a relationship. If recent attempts at settling unresolved feelings fell short of your expectations, you may unexpectedly discover a way to improve the situation today. Or, at least, you might better understand the other persons feelings. Once you quietly ponder your current circumstances, you could benefit from writing down your thoughts or talking them over with an objective bystander who is willing to tell you the unvarnished truth. Psychologist Carl Jung wrote, Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.

Leo Daily Horoscope Friday – Sep 20, 2019
Your social life spikes with lively connections with friends, neighbors, and relatives alike. Unfortunately, it might seem as if theres insufficient time to talk and joke about everything you wish with everyone you encounter today. Thankfully, theres no pressure to force anything constructive to happen now, allowing you and those in your social circle more time to enjoy each others company. Appreciating more the goodness of the people in your world is a simple way to be grateful for your blessings as well as mindful of the quality of your own character.

Virgo Daily Horoscope Friday – Sep 20, 2019
Establishing a pleasant rapport with your colleagues could smooth out the wrinkles in an otherwise hectic day. The quick-thinking Gemini Moon trines gracious Venus in Libra, prompting coworkers to lean on your reliability with the hope of settling minor squabbles or thorny problems. Thankfully, your boss may respond positively to your upbeat manner and apparent willingness to create a harmonious environment. Cultivating support from authority figures now goes a long way toward landing a raise or advancing your career in the future. Responsibility is your calling card.

Libra Daily Horoscope Friday – Sep 20, 2019
Dreams of an epic adventure swirl around your mind as you experience an acute bout of wanderlust today. Youre either planning a trip or others are exciting you by talking about their excursions. However, travel might not be in the cards for your immediate future; in fact, you could be happier at home now that sweet Venus is forming a fateful connection with passionate Pluto in your 4th House of Emotional Security. Instead of hopping on a plane, embark on a journey of spiritual pursuit. An inner-directed visionquest may be more than enough to satisfy your unfulfilled yearnings. Your passport to your imagination never expires.

Scorpio Daily Horoscope Friday – Sep 20, 2019
You possess an innate talent for shedding light on touchy subjects and buried secrets. However, it is hard to find an audience to stick around and listen when the truth is hard to hear. However, others are knocking on your door today, hoping to find comfort in your empathic understanding of their fears and dreams. Youre viewing life through a sunnier filter now, enabling you to provide encouraging words and practical ideas to guide those who ask for your help. Author Og Mandino wrote, “I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness because it shows me the stars.”

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Friday – Sep 20, 2019
Your romantic and social life blend together in a pleasant manner now, perhaps without any effort on your part. If youre unattached, you might spot a potential friend or partner at a social event. Similarly, you could feel enough of a magnetic boost of charisma that others are irresistibly drawn to you today. On the other hand, if youre already in an existing relationship, you both may feel in the mood to hang out with mutual friends or meet new acquaintances with whom you share a common purpose. Spontaneous escapades are always twice the fun when shared.

Capricorn Daily Horoscope Friday – Sep 20, 2019
The power of controlling your own destiny is irresistible now. The soothing trine between the talkative Gemini Moon and agreeable Mercury in your 10th House of Profession bodes well for you to reveal your emotions in a clear yet congenial manner. Treat yourself to something that helps you look professional on the job, like a new suit or a sleek laptop. Your calm self-assurance makes almost any request seem perfectly acceptable today, prompting others to notice and jump to offer whatever assistance you need. Confidence starts within. Mark Twain said, A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval.

Aquarius Daily Horoscope Friday – Sep 20, 2019
Wise words roll off your tongue to create positive impact on younger or less experienced people in your life. Astute Mercury is visiting your 9th House of Philosophy, empowering you to share some of the lessons you have realized so far along your journey. If you have children of your own, you can inspire and excite them with intellectually interesting conversations. However, if your young have already flown the nest or are yet to arrive, your heartfelt sympathy for unseasoned folks might prompt you to take them under your wing. Baroness Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach wrote, In youth we learn; in old age we understand.

Pisces Daily Horoscope Friday – Sep 20, 2019
You may wish to know more about your family from a deeper historical and spiritual perspective. Perhaps a conversation with a relative or a childhood friend directs you to consider your ancestry and ancestors in a fresh light. You might become more aware of the legacies passed on to you now, whether its a tangible treasure like an heirloom or a harder-to-define gift such as discovering your grandmother also loved astrology. Cherish these fragments and mementos as they connect you to your lineage. Lord Acton wrote, “History is not a burden on the memory, but an illumination of the soul.”


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