Daily Horoscope Monday – December 6, 2021

Daily Horoscope Monday – December 6, 2021

Aries Daily Horoscope Monday – December 6, 2021

As an Aries, you’re chock-full of fresh initiatives to bring into life. Monday’s skies encourage you to step back and examine your goals at large as the moon marches through ambitious Capricorn. Luna finds herself united with value-defining Venus and transformation-seeking Pluto, later on, highlighting the core issues that need addressing around following through with your ambitions.

Taurus Daily Horoscope Monday – December 6, 2021

Can you feel the changes brewing in the air, Taurus? Monday’s skies find you approaching some uncomfortable relationship material that needs addressing as the serious Capricorn moon unites with your ruling planet, lover Venus, and emotionally-raw Pluto. This potent pairing encourages you to actively work on debunking whatever self-taught myths around love and partnership have clouded your vision and real needs.

Gemini Daily Horoscope Monday – December 6, 2021

Don’t turn away from the emotions stirring in your heart today, Gemini. It’s easy for you to rationalize your feelings away, but instead of putting logic first, aim to let yourself embrace whatever comes up without judgement. The realistic Capricorn moon unites with magnetic Venus and renewal-seeking Pluto today, illuminating which ancient relationship wounds need healing and tending to.

Cancer Daily Horoscope Monday – December 6, 2021

Turn your focus towards the intimate one on ones in your world today, Cancer. The moon marches through your opposite sign of reality-checking Capricorn, merging with both bond-building Venus and healing Pluto. This emotionally-potent pairing helps you honestly tune into changes that need embracing on the relationship front. Expect raw conversations that help you strip everything down to the barebones truth!

Leo Daily Horoscope Monday – December 6, 2021

It’s no surprise to you that things have been changing around how you approach your craft, Leo. The universe is nudging you to spend some time untangling the knots in that arena today as the capable Capricorn moon unites with value-giving Venus and transformative Pluto. This emotionally stirring pairing pushes you to acknowledge what it is you’d really like to be doing and dismantle any blockages standing in your way.

Virgo Daily Horoscope Monday – December 6, 2021

Monday’s skies are surprisingly potent when it comes to dealing with affairs of the heart, Virgo. The moon spends the day marching through realistic Capricorn, merging with bond-building Venus and change-demanding Pluto on her path. This pairing works to help you deal with any unexpressed frustrations in a sharply honest fashion, particularly when it comes to romance, sex, and creative projects.

Libra Daily Horoscope Monday – December 6, 2021

As a Libra, you typically prefer not to ruffle feathers or make dramatic scenes if you don’t have to. Monday’s skies work to test your calm facade and encourage you to deal head-on with some emotionally-stirring issues on the home front as the moon roams through serious Capricorn. Luna’s meet-up with your ruling planet, magnetic Venus, and truth-revealing Pluto help you tune into what frustrations need honest addressing on the home and family front.

Scorpio Daily Horoscope Monday – December 6, 2021

The truth is coming out one way or another under Monday’s skies, Scorpio. You’re likely to feel some mental storm clouds brewing today — ones that desperately require a healthy outlet in order to free up space. The serious Capricorn moon unites with bond-building Venus and renewal-seeking Pluto, bringing powerful relationship conversations to the forefront of your awareness. Clear the air and tell your side of the story!

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Monday – December 6, 2021

You’ve been dealing with some tough material around your sense of self-confidence lately, Sagittarius. Lean into the shadow work, however hard it may feel to momentarily dim your light. Monday’s skies nudge you further along this path towards greater self-acceptance around your natural talents and skills as the practical Capricorn moon unites with value-defining Venus and renewal-seeking Pluto.

Capricorn Daily Horoscope Monday – December 6, 2021

You may feel like you’re smack dab in the center of the cosmic spotlight this week, Capricorn. The universe is encouraging you to be fearless when it comes to facing your relationship sore spots head-on today as the moon roams through your sign. Luna spends the day merged with other-oriented Venus and truth-telling Pluto, helping you hone in on partnership blockages that need honest addressing.

Aquarius Daily Horoscope Monday – December 6, 2021

Give yourself some space away from the demands of the real world today, Aquarius. The moon’s presence in solitary Capricorn encourages you to soak up some quality alone time, making it an ideal day to catch up on rest and recuperation. Luna’s meeting with heartfelt Venus and emotionally-raw Pluto is likely to find you dealing with nagging relationship issues that require a direct approach and a lot of deep reflection to fully grasp.

Pisces Daily Horoscope Monday – December 6, 2021

Monday’s skies foreshadow the core issues to be dealt with in the week ahead, Pisces. The moon spends the day meandering through ambitious Capricorn, sending your focus on your long-term aspirations and sense of community. Luna spends the day merged with bond-building Venus and frustration-releasing Pluto, helping you hone in on your core values and current goals. Aim to prioritize what really matters to you, and let the rest fall away.