Daily Horoscope Saturday – 16 April, 2022

Daily Horoscope Saturday – 16 April, 2022

Aries Daily Horoscope Saturday – 16 April, 2022

The air will feel sweet today, dear Aries, as the weekend kicks off with the moon continuing its journey through lovely Libra. This cosmic climate is great for romance, as you and your sweetie forget your cares, if only for a few hours. As the afternoon manifests, the full moon manifests, asking you to put work to the side in favor of self-care and bonding with your loved ones. Unfortunately, a harsh aspect to Pluto could bring tension to the surface, especially if work has been particularly tense recently. Luckily, you’ll have an opportunity to let go of anything weighing heavily on your mind once the moon enters transformative Scorpio this evening.

Taurus Daily Horoscope Saturday – 16 April, 2022

The universe will push you to implement healthier habits today, sweet Bull, as the Libra full moon forms a harsh t-square with transformative Pluto. Though it may feel scary to cut ties with behaviors or people not serving you, this cosmic climate can provide you with the strength and motivation to do so. Luckily, you’ll begin to feel more at peace this evening, when the moon enters Scorpio and the sector of your chart that governs love. Use this energy as an opportunity to indulge in some serious self-care to help you recharge after an energetically intense afternoon.

Gemini Daily Horoscope Saturday – 16 April, 2022

You’ll be in the mood to howl at the sky with your pack this afternoon, dear Gemini, as the Libra full moon manifests in the sky. Unfortunately, this cosmic climate could get a little intense for others, leaving you without a companion with whom you can be your wildest self. Try not to take it personally if your social life feels a little limp, as it’s likely that your loved ones are caught up in their own issues. Luckily, your priorities will shift to wellness and personal organization this evening when Luna makes her way into Scorpio and your solar sixth house.

Cancer Daily Horoscope Saturday – 16 April, 2022

Don’t feel guilty if you need to cancel your Saturday brunch plans in favor of staying in bed today, dear Cancer, as the Libra full moon brings a heaviness to the air. This cosmic climate could lead you to conclude that you’re in desperate need of some downtime at home as the universe pushes you to practice self-care. Luckily, you’ll feel more like yourself as evening rolls in and Luna makes her way into Scorpio. This would be a great time to hook up with the friends you couldn’t meet with earlier, as you’ll be in the mood for fun.

Leo Daily Horoscope Saturday – 16 April, 2022

Though your heart might be in the right place, you should avoid giving unsolicited advice to your loved ones today, as the Libra full moon manifests, heightening sensitivities. What seems like good sense could come off as veiled criticism to your friends or partner, making it a good time to keep your mouth closed. Luckily, you won’t have to worry about stepping on any toes as the evening rolls in and Luna makes her way into Scorpio. This cosmic climate will put you in a nurturing and sensitive mood, inspiring you to cozy up at home with your closest confidants.

Virgo Daily Horoscope Saturday – 16 April, 2022

You’ll be in a stubborn mood today, dear Virgo, as the Libra full moon manifests, forming a harsh t-square to power-planet Pluto. While it’s important that you don’t let people push you around, you may want to stop and ask yourself whether or not you’re being hard-headed. If you conclude that you need to advocate for yourself, make sure you’re not letting diplomacy stop you from making a point, but remember to hold onto your grace in the process. Luckily, you’ll have an easier time articulating your thoughts when Luna enters Scorpio and the sector of your chart that governs communication later in the afternoon.

Libra Daily Horoscope Saturday – 16 April, 2022

The full moon manifests in your sign this afternoon, dear Libra, heightening your intuition, popularity, and energy levels. Though many will seek your company, you’ll likely feel like spending the day at home, especially if you’re feeling mentally depleted after a long work week. This lunar event can also stir up intense emotions within your love life, which could either make or break your relationship. Don’t be afraid to melt into your partner if it’s a good match. Otherwise, it might be time to embrace single life for a bit. Luckily, you’ll begin to feel more grounded as Luna makes her way into sensual Taurus this evening.

Scorpio Daily Horoscope Saturday – 16 April, 2022

Your emotions will run deep today, sweet Scorpion, as the Libra full moon manifests this afternoon, activating your solar twelfth house. Meanwhile, a harsh t-square to Pluto could leave you feeling uncertain about how to express yourself. However, it might be better to bite your tongue for the time being. Rather than speaking impulsively on heavy or important topics, give yourself time to think about what you’d like to say so that you can enter these discussions prepared and calm. Luckily, you’ll begin to feel more outgoing and like yourself as Luna makes her way into your sign this evening.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Saturday – 16 April, 2022

The Libra full moon manifests this afternoon, dear Archer, putting you in a social mood. Unfortunately, you could end up overspending if you opt to go out with your friends, making it essential that you look for thriftier ways to get together. Though your wild side will come out to play during the day, you’ll become more reclusive as the evening rolls in and Luna makes her way into Scorpio. This lunar placement will shine a light on the sector of your chart that governs the subconscious, putting you in a quiet and reflective mood. Just try not to obsess over situations you can control as you embrace solitude, or you could end up spoiling a perfectly peaceful evening.

Capricorn Daily Horoscope Saturday – 16 April, 2022

You may need to analyze your work-life balance today, dear Capricorn, as the Libra full moon manifests in the sky, forming a harsh t-square with Pluto. Though you pride yourself on your endurance and work ethic, you may want to consider the cost to your physical health and mental wellbeing. Even if you can’t afford to switch careers or make a shift just now, you should at least use this lunar event as a cue from the universe to relax and unwind. Later this evening, the moon enters Scorpio, asking you to embrace your social life by connecting with friends.

Aquarius Daily Horoscope Saturday – 16 April, 2022

Today will be a deeply spiritual day for you, dear Aquarius, as the Libra full moon manifests in the sky, activating the spiritual center of your chart. Meanwhile, a t-square between the sun, moon, and Pluto will push you to the depths of your psyche, helping you to understand yourself in new and profound ways. Use this lunar event as an excuse to get a long meditation session in to help you receive any messages that might be lingering beyond the veil. This is also an ideal time to communicate your hopes and dreams to the other side, as the universe will be eager to assist you.

Pisces Daily Horoscope Saturday – 16 April, 2022

You may feel called to cleanse your social media feed of any acquaintances who tend to trigger you, dear Pisces, as the Libra full moon forms a harsh t-square with intense Pluto. You won’t be in the mood to play nice with people who rile you up, though there won’t be a desire to fight either. Give yourself permission to leave behind friends you’ve outgrown, but try to do so with style and grace. Luckily, you won’t have to wrestle with such unpleasantness as the evening rolls in and Luna makes her way into Scorpio, giving you a chance to connect with your optimism and peace.