Daily Horoscope Sunday – January 16, 2022

Daily Horoscope Sunday – January 16, 2022

Aries Daily Horoscope Sunday – January 16, 2022

Watch for small blessings from the Universe this morning, little Ram, as the Cancer moon shares a sweet connection to Uranus. Meanwhile, a cosmic alliance between the sun and Pluto will help you tap into your power, especially when it comes to setting boundaries so that you can focus on professional ambitions. Just don’t let a drive for success take away from your wellbeing, and remember to cut out plenty of time for self-care. Watch out for relationship tension this afternoon, as Luna faces off with sweet Venus. Remember to be patient with your partner, and try not to get snappy if you feel your irritation rising.

Taurus Daily Horoscope Sunday – January 16, 2022

Try to get a journaling session in this morning, as the Cancer moon shares a sweet aspect to revolutionary Uranus, bringing insights on how to break through barriers and evolve. However, you’ll want to fine-tune any notes you take down with structured planning. Otherwise, these abstract concepts will remain just that. Unfortunately, your intuition could get a little wonky this afternoon, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. Take some time to examine your relationships right now, and keep in mind that no matter how connected you feel to someone, they’re not worth your time if they don’t respect you on a profound level.

Gemini Daily Horoscope Sunday – January 16, 2022

The Universe will push you to shed your skin right now, as the sun and Pluto share a cosmic alliance, encouraging you to cut ties with any people, situations, or behaviors that aren’t promoting your highest potential. Meanwhile, the Cancer moon will heighten your sensitivities while asking you to reassess where you place value. Emotional blowouts could erupt this afternoon as Luna faces off with love-oriented Venus. You might realize that you have to let go of someone who doesn’t act as a source of support, but try to find peace in the fact that losing one relationship will only make space for better ones to form in the future.

Cancer Daily Horoscope Sunday – January 16, 2022

You might hear unexpectedly from a long-lost friend this morning, dear Cancer, as Luna blows a soft kiss to full-of-surprises Uranus. Meanwhile, with the moon camped out in your sign all day, your popularity will only continue to grow as people gravitate toward your familiar aura. However, you’ll want to make sure you’re not exhausting yourself, as you respond to this influx of messages and phone calls, or you could end up hitting an emotional and mental wall. Luckily, this energy will break up as the day comes to a close, giving you a chance to recharge before heading to bed for the evening.

Leo Daily Horoscope Sunday – January 16, 2022

If you’ve been feeling lost within your career lately, a solution could find you this morning, when the Cancer moon shares a helpful aspect to evolutionary Uranus. Pay attention to what inspires you right now—it can help lead you in a new professional direction. Just remember that most success comes through patience, dedication, and hard work, and try not to lose faith in yourself based on the amount of work that lies ahead. If your financial situation poses an obstacle to such dreams, you might need to map out a budget for yourself, so you can save up to invest in your goals.

Virgo Daily Horoscope Sunday – January 16, 2022

You’ll be feeling powerful and confident with yourself today, dear Virgo, as the sun and Pluto form a cosmic alliance, encouraging you to be yourself unapologetically. Now is the perfect time to chip away at your artistic or passion projects since you’re likely to produce some profound work. However, you’ll want to make sure you stay grounded and humble, especially this afternoon when the moon faces off with sweet Venus. The Universe won’t play nice with people who are too full of themselves right now, and you could end up with an ego check if you don’t remember your grace.

Libra Daily Horoscope Sunday – January 16, 2022

Though you’re one of the most laidback and easy-going members of the zodiac, you might need to lay down the law at home today, as the sun and Pluto form an alliance in your fourth house. Use these vibes as an excuse to assign chores, set boundaries, or even redecorate, as the Universe will reward your efforts to assume authority. However, it’ll be important that you don’t abandon your gentle disposition throughout this process, especially in the afternoon when Luna and Venus face off. Tensions could come to a head, and you might lose points with your housemates, resulting in an uncomfortable and rocky evening.

Scorpio Daily Horoscope Sunday – January 16, 2022

Today, dear Scorpio, your voice will strike with power as a cosmic alliance manifests between the sun and your ruling planet, Pluto. Don’t be afraid to advocate for yourself while articulating your wants and needs since people will be able and willing to hear you out. Just try not to get too caught up in these vibes, or you could find yourself on a power trip. Should you begin to abuse your authority, the Universe will set you straight this afternoon when the moon faces off with sweet Venus, causing people to lose patience with such antics.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Sunday – January 16, 2022

Sometimes it’s okay to throw money at your problems, dear Archer. And with the sun and Pluto forming an alliance in the sector of your chart that rules finances, you could find yourself doing just that. Don’t feel guilty about flexing your financial powers right now, especially if it will add to your quality of life and personal balance. However, you’ll need to keep in mind that money won’t solve everything, especially this afternoon when the moon and Venus face off in the sky. This energy could spell trouble for anyone who isn’t willing to put in the hard work on an internal level, so make sure you’re striving to stay grounded and humble.

Capricorn Daily Horoscope Sunday – January 16, 2022

If you’ve been wanting to reinvent yourself, today could be the day as the sun and transformative Pluto form a cosmic alliance in your sign. While you’re typically a pretty steadfast person, give yourself permission to let go of any emotional, mental, or spiritual dead weight, especially if it will help you evolve into the person you most wish to become. Just try not to demand too much of yourself too quickly, or you could end up losing sight of what’s important. It’ll also be vital that you’re surrounding yourself with people who are on board with the new you, or trouble could brew within these relationships.

Aquarius Daily Horoscope Sunday – January 16, 2022

Profound realizations and moments of clarity will come to you today, darling Aquarius, as the sun and Pluto form an alliance in the sector of your chart that governs the subconscious. Obscure concepts that make little to no sense will begin to gel in your psyche, helping you to better understand the Universe and your place within it. Just remember that a calling for change will coincide with these new perspectives, which you’ll need to embrace on an emotional, mental, and spiritual level, or you could end up missing out on a cosmic opportunity to elicit real transformation and personal evolution.

Pisces Daily Horoscope Sunday – January 16, 2022

Don’t feel bad about purging your phone, followers, or friends today, dear Pisces, as the sun and Pluto cozy up in your eleventh house. These vibes will ask you to clean house when it comes to people that aren’t operating on your level, especially if a moral or political divide has created distance in your relationship. Social media pages could become a real focus for this agenda, as you find the motivation and inspiration to cut ties with people that trigger you through their posts. Just remember that the digital world and real life are very different. You shouldn’t feel guilty for removing any virtual toxicity from your life.