Daily Horoscope Wednesday – Dec 04, 2019

Daily Horoscope Wednesday – Dec 04, 2019

Aries Daily Horoscope Wednesday – Dec 04, 2019
Whispers of new concepts weave in and out of your mind today. You might wonder if your current radical ideas are valuable or if you are taking things one step too far. Your reputation for spontaneity precedes you, but you are likely to have a spiritual side that you dont broadcast on a regular basis. Others speak highly of you when they arent worrying about falling behind. Continue to do what you do best by leading the pack and starting new trends. Long deliberations simply may not be your style. Instant ideas are the keys to your true domain.

Taurus Daily Horoscope Wednesday – Dec 04, 2019
You might jump to a faulty conclusion when conversing with friends today. In fact, you could judge someone too harshly if you let your feelings color your perceptions. Anything that doesnt make sense now acts as a subtle clue telling you that the problem has little to do with you. The truth is theres a lack of communication between all parties involved. Theres no reason to push your solutions onto anyone else. Instead of setting yourself up as an authority figure, just be a supportive ally and keep an open mind. Leonardo da Vinci wrote, Experience is a truer guide than the words of others.

Gemini Daily Horoscope Wednesday – Dec 04, 2019
Your noncommittal approach to conflict might just prove to be your magic sword today. Questions from a coworker or friend could rope you into a melodrama that isnt yours. A minor family problem can hook you into playing the role of the savior if youre not careful. Nevertheless, its not wise to ignore the situation, since your ability to multitask and adapt allows you to excel at the art of diplomacy. Dont walk away without responding to those in need of a wider perspective. Sometimes, just listening fosters the positive influence necessary to create a more harmonious atmosphere.

Cancer Daily Horoscope Wednesday – Dec 04, 2019
You can achieve nearly anything you set your mind to if youre willing to venture into unknown territory. Others might caution you not to take a risk but the cosmos is encouraging you to explore mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and even geographically. Inform your well-intended supporters that you appreciate their concern, but you have things to do and places to see. Solidifying boundaries requires extra effort, but its essential now. Once people know your intentions, they may change stories and become the inspiration that lifts your wings. The biggest mistake you could ever make is being too afraid to make one.

Leo Daily Horoscope Wednesday – Dec 04, 2019
Handling black and white issues is easy when you have a clear choice. But every once in a gray while, you must face the realization that the entire situation is muddled and the opposites are not quite as different as they seem. Spending valuable hours in debate or negotiation is a waste of energy if youre lacking sufficient data. Rather than seeking a path out of the dilemma, simply acknowledge you are lost without a map. Sometimes, the easy way out really is the best choice until you gain more control of the situation. Sculpture August Rodin wrote, Patience is also a form of action.

Virgo Daily Horoscope Wednesday – Dec 04, 2019
Someone must be willing to face the truth, but you wish you didnt have to be so painfully practical all the time. You might secretly envy those who seem more than happy to set aside all the facts and figures while they slip into some other realm where imagination rules the roost. But this type of creative luxury isnt your style. Whether or not you already know the details of a situation, you are still the go-to person for knowledge and information. Realism hands you the keys to the kingdom. Lend your clarity to someone lost in the fog of confusion. Be an oasis in a sea of doubt.

Libra Daily Horoscope Wednesday – Dec 04, 2019
Resolving a dilemma is easier when operating from a foundation of trust. People tend to resist change when they lack information or if they wonder what you say is true. Their fears might be unwarranted, perhaps prompted by a warped view of the present. Put your diplomatic skills to work in order to help those involved realize their own intrinsic worth. Acquaintances may be attracted to your charm and creativity today, so invite them to be new friends if their interest is sincere. You dont need to lower your standards for anyone if you wear your self-respect with pride.

Scorpio Daily Horoscope Wednesday – Dec 04, 2019
Your competitive spirit needs a playground to roam today, so considering retreat is an unwise idea. It really doesnt matter where a relationship goes now; youre in it for the meaning it brings in the present moment. Welcome new friends or debate old foes, but dont shy away from social engagement. If you listen to your heart, you will know if or when its time to change your plans. Robert Plant wrote, Sensing too well when the journey is done, there is no turning back.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Wednesday – Dec 04, 2019
You want to take others at face value today, but something strange stands between you and reality. An unexpected event or chance meeting might be a catalyst that sends you tumbling back in time as dreams of your past resurface. Although this mental adventure could be fun at first, it loses its attractiveness when memories prevent you from seeing someone clearly in the present moment. Thankfully, objectively monitoring your reactions enables you to discern what is emotional baggage and rationally separate it from the here and now. Self-awareness is the key to growth.

Capricorn Daily Horoscope Wednesday – Dec 04, 2019
Constructive advice that offers assistance is very different from discouraging criticism. Your work ethic is exceptional, and yet there might be detractors who still wonder why you are the leader. However, if you begin to doubt your efficacy, then you may need to recalibrate your mindset now. Strategic thinking goes beyond the petty concerns of those out of the loop. Be sure you are standing on firm ground before you start considering where you want to go. Appreciate the allies who are willing to jump in and show you the ropes. Helping speaks louder than instructing.

Aquarius Daily Horoscope Wednesday – Dec 04, 2019
Thoughts of prosperity dance around in your head, encouraging you to throw yourself into enterprising new opportunities. However, impulsive thinking is likely to lead you into a swamp today. Thankfully, you possess the necessary tools for separating fact from fiction. Let your mind wander into the dreams of unrealized possibilities. But bring your visions of the future back down to earth before taking any foolish risks. A blend of passion and reason works best. President Theodore Roosevelt said, Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground.

Pisces Daily Horoscope Wednesday – Dec 04, 2019
Idealism comes from both hope and promise, so refine and polish your best vision of what is possible. However, conflicts may arise from disputes between the pragmatic people who achieve results and the dreamers who spin webs in their imaginations. But some creative types grasp at thin wisps of a passing fantasy and turn them into tangible reality. Others attune to the abstract and simply wish for things that cannot exist, but if you combine the best of both worlds, your chances for success are sky high. Author Bo Bennett wrote, Visualization is daydreaming with a purpose.


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