Daily Love Horoscope – December 7, 2021

Daily Love Horoscope – December 7, 2021

Aries Daily Love Horoscope – December 7, 2021

Today’s enticing square between your red-hot planetary ruler, Mars, and lucky Jupiter — via your socially conscious eleventh house of associations, community, and individual freedom — will supercharge you with determination and inspiration that feels larger than life itself. The catch, however, could potentially stem from Jupiter’s instinct to expand, so try not to overdo it. Aries, there’s nothing wrong with taking the initiative as long as you’re not making impulsive and/or rash decisions in the process. This is especially true for those of you who are in the beginning stages of a relationship. Besides, Luna’s close proximity to serious Saturn encourages you to be pragmatic and structured.

Taurus Daily Love Horoscope – December 7, 2021

Taurus, whether you’re single or already romantically attached, there’s no need to over assert yourself. This is especially true when considering today’s tactless square between red-hot Mars in your relationship sector and larger-than-life Jupiter via your bossy tenth house of authority. In other words, you’re prone to making rash decisions and/or acting on impulse during this time. Moreover, the moon’s close proximity to serious Saturn adds a sobering layer of pragmatism and structure to the mix. What needs to be addressed? How can you go about this with honesty and integrity? Show your respects, and expect the same in return.

Gemini Daily Love Horoscope – December 7, 2021

Analysis paralysis much, Gemini? Today’s hazy square between your curious planetary ruler, Mercury, and elusive Neptune could potentially trigger feelings of restlessness and general confusion. This is especially true when it comes to your one-on-one relationships as Mercury continues to wander through this area of your chart. That being said, if you feel as if you’re not getting your point across, don’t despair. Writing it down might even be easier, believe it or not. Otherwise, it’s easy to run into petty misunderstandings with your lover. Meanwhile, Luna’s close proximity to pragmatic Saturn — via your ninth house of belief systems — encourages you to focus on the bigger picture.

Cancer Daily Love Horoscope – December 7, 2021

If you’re not completely comfortable opening up, then something in your relationship needs work, Cancer. For instance, the moon will join pragmatic Saturn in Aquarius today, igniting your intimate eighth house of shared resources, soul-to-soul connections, and energetic exchanges and highlighting themes surrounding your ability to freely merge with another mind, body, and soul. Luna’s sextile to the wounded healer Chiron will also shed light on past experiences where you felt inhibited towards taking the initiative. Having said that, what’s holding you back from fully indulging in your connection? Beware of today’s tactless square between Mars and Jupiter. Sleep on your decision.

Leo Daily Love Horoscope – December 7, 2021

Whether you’re single, crushing, or already romantically attached, today’s larger-than-life square between Mars in your emotionally driven fourth house of innermost feelings and bountiful Jupiter in your relationship sector can be equally as inspiring as it is tactless. In other words, word vomit and emotional outbursts in general are likely during this time, Leo. To top it off, curious Mercury will clash with hazy Neptune via your intimate eighth house of shared resources, creating friction between your desire for affection and the need to tend to your prior commitments. You could feel as though you’re stuck between a rock, and a hard place. But this, too, shall pass.

Virgo Daily Love Horoscope – December 7, 2021

Take everything you hear with a grain of salt, Virgo. Today’s ambiguous square between your planetary ruler, Mercury, and hazy Neptune via your committed seventh house of agreements, compromise, and significant others could trigger feelings of uncertainty, restlessness, and general confusion. Having trouble getting your point across? Well, now you know why. To top it off, a reckless square between Mars in your communication sector and larger-than-life Jupiter via your detail-oriented sixth house could make things seem a whole lot bigger than they actually are. Think before you say something you’ll end up regretting later.

Libra Daily Love Horoscope – December 7, 2021

Luna will collide with Saturn in Aquarius today, activating your romantic fifth house of love, passion, pleasure, and self-expression, which isn’t always the easiest energy to work with. Crushing on someone, Libra? Given Saturn’s oh-so-serious pragmatism and sobering approach, you could be second-guessing yourself and/or a romantic interest during this time. However, if you’re reading this, it’s a reminder to not be so hard on yourself. This is especially true when considering today’s tactless Mars-Jupiter square, as it could make things seem a whole lot more complicated than they actually are. This may come with a surge of inspiration, but if not tamed properly, things can get reckless.

Scorpio Daily Love Horoscope – December 7, 2021

You need a lot more space than you feel comfortable admitting, Scorpio. Whether you’re single or already attached, today’s square between your ancient ruler, Mars, and expansive Jupiter will not only make things seem a lot bigger than they are but also trigger a strong urge for freedom. You could also decide to drop a major truth bomb and catch your lover off guard in the process. Moreover, an ambiguous square between Mercury — celestial ruler of your intimate eighth house of sex — will square off with numinous Neptune, which, in turn, creates feelings of uncertainty and confusion. Think before you say something you end up regretting.

Sagittarius Daily Love Horoscope – December 7, 2021

The moon will collide with Saturn in Aquarius today, shaking up your curious third house of communication, thought processes, and immediate surroundings. Are you ready to have the talk, Sagittarius? You mean business, but by that same token, you could be focusing a little too much on the “reality” of the situation and perhaps losing hope in the process. After all, there’s a difference between being logical and being straight-up pessimistic. To top it off, an ambiguous square between Mercury in your sign and elusive Neptune via your emotionally driven fourth house of home is bound to trigger some confusion in the meantime. Tomorrow’s another day.

Capricorn Daily Love Horoscope – December 7, 2021

Today’s tactless square between audacious Mars via your socially driven eleventh house of community and larger-than-life Jupiter via your stability-seeking second house of value systems could supercharge you with confidence and inspiration or even trigger a reckless and/or impulsive decision. Fortunately, you know better than that, Capricorn. However, if you suddenly find yourself feeling pessimistic about your love life, don’t despair. As you know, the moon governs your relationship sector, but it will be sitting together with your righteous planetary ruler, Saturn, via your second house of security. Something isn’t adding up, so take your time.

Aquarius Daily Love Horoscope – December 7, 2021

The moon will join serious Saturn in your sign today, bringing emphasis and structure to everything from your innermost feelings to your general sense of self. Slow and steady, Aquarius. Single or already taken, you’re working tirelessly on your goals and putting in the work to be the best version of yourself in the process. This may or may not be getting in the way of your love life, but rest assured, you’re a brilliant multitasker. Don’t despair, as today’s tactless square between Mars in your tenth house of authority and Jupiter in your sign is really all the inspo you need.

Pisces Daily Love Horoscope – December 7, 2021

Luna will collide with pragmatic Saturn in Aquarius today, activating your secretive twelfth house of closure, hidden agendas, and all things behind the scenes. What’s on your mind, Pisces? Given that the moon rules your romantic fifth house of love, passion, and self-expression, Luna’s close proximity to the taskmaster planet adds a sobering layer of practicality and perhaps even pessimism. Don’t doubt yourself; your heart wants what it wants. Besides, a tricky square between Mercury and your elusive planetary ruler, Neptune, means nothing is really as it seems during this time. Don’t make any rash decisions. Sleep on it.