Daily Tarotscopes – April 30, 2022

Daily Tarotscopes – April 30, 2022

Check your daily tarotscope to figure out what is anticipated for you involving soothsaying and numerology for Saturday, April 30, 2022, by zodiac sign.


Tarot card: Eight of Wands, reversed

Take a pause, Aries. Life happens fairly quickly for you today, and this makes it nearly impossible to catch up.

So, slow down a bit and check the systems you’re using to make things ‘work’. Who knows? You may discover a cool way to adopt a new strategy that not only saves you time, but also saves you money, too.


Tarot card: Death, reversed

A false start can frustrate you today, but Taurus you have been gifted a golden opportunity to check out what you have going on to see if a tweak would be useful for you.

You might have thought you and everyone else was ready for a fresh, new beginning, but maybe there was one loose end you’ve missed. A break could be a good thing during times like these.


Tarot card: Seven of Wands

Silence really is golden, Gemini. When the world is a bit quiet and you’re able to listen to your inner voice, you learn a lot of things that you didn’t know before.

You may find it surprising just how insightful your mind chatter can be when you least expect it to. You will get a new, bright idea before you know it — one that could get you excited to start.


Tarot card: Ten of Cups, reversed

You won’t always agree, Cancer. You have been tolerant and understanding but there is always a point where you have to say enough is enough. You can’t consent to something that offends or crosses a line with your personal values.

If you feel that you’re being asked to compromise beyond your comfort levels, then admit it. Give someone a chance to make things right or if not, then you know you have to make decisions for yourself.


Tarot card: Four of Cups, reversed

When your emotions are taking control and cause you to feel overwhelmed, it’s a signal to take a break and to step back so you can process everything.

The world is forever changing, Leo, and you have to dig into your heart to truly know what these things mean for you.


Tarot card: Page of Swords, reversed

Not every opportunity requires an immediate decision. You may need to ask for time to think through what you’re being asked to participate in. There can be a lot to consider.

Don’t rush to a conclusion or decide that this is just ‘too good to be true’ and you don’t want to miss out. Give yourself the chance to ponder. If it’s meant for you, it will be there later.


Tarot card: Ace of Swords

You hold all the cards to the future, Libra. It appears that your plans are well thought out, and your intentions align with your goals.

There’s a reason why things will fall into place for you, and that’s because you’re doing what you need to do, and the universe honors that.


Tarot card: Two of Wands

You are at a fork in the road, and the beautiful thing about your current situation is that both will work out in a way that you need it to.

It doesn’t matter which path you choose, what will make a difference is your actions and how you conduct yourself wherever you aim to be.


Tarot card: Seven of Wands, reversed

There are going to be times when you just have to accept that there was a loss of control on your part. Of course, this was never part of the plan, but that does not mean you have to stop altogether.

You need to pick back up and make a decision. Keep going, Sag. It’s always best to move forward putting one foot in front of the other until you find yourself back on the path you need to be on.


Tarot card: Three of Cups

It’s time for parties and get-togethers. You need time to be with people you enjoy talking to and learning from.

The energy of the collective is going to inspire you to continue to pursue good times with quality individuals who bring out the best in you.


Tarot card: King of Pentacles

Liking nice things doesn’t mean you’re materialistic. It means that you have refined taste and a willingness to work hard for what you want.

You can spot a bargain and a deal when you see one, but then there’s also a part of you that knows it’s OK to spend a little extra if getting an item will make you happy.


Tarot card: The Moon

Some people will be your die-hard friends for a lifetime, and then there are those individuals who will act as though they are loyal and true but leave you guessing.

You may perceive that you’re dealing with the type of person who does not always present themselves honestly.

So, when your gut tells you that something isn’t right about your relationship, don’t ignore your feelings. Investigate them.