December Tarotscopes Reading, According to Your Zodiac Sign

December Tarotscopes Reading, According to Your Zodiac Sign

Like horoscopes, tarotcopes are a way of predicting the upcoming energy and how it might affect you. While looking at the position of the planets in the sky to make predictions with the former, tarotcopes are a reading-based divination tool we see on the cards.

You can expect lots of changes in your daily routine for December’s tarotcopes. You can expect the unexpected, but remain flexible with your plans. If you make such a choice, you can use these changes to your advantage and embrace some new beginnings.

Your December tarotcope is below. Be sure to read for your rising sign as well.


Card: Six of Cups
Keywords: Revisiting the past, childhood memories, innocence, joy.

Six of Cups is a card that takes you back to happy memories from your past as a child, teenager or young adult. You may just be revisiting those memories in your mind, or you can go back to your childhood home or reconnect with your childhood friends. You can go to a high school meeting or reconnect with an old friend. A young love or an old lover may reappear. These connections give you a sense of joy and happiness as you remember all the fun times you spent together. Use this occasion to explore whether you still have much in common and want to continue the relationship now.


Card: Nine of Cups (Reversed)
Keywords: Inner happiness, materialism, dissatisfaction, indulgence.

Even when it appears that you have everything you ever dreamed of, it can still feel like something is missing deep down. Have you pursued material gain at the expense of your spiritual growth or emotional fulfilment? For example, you might own the most expensive home or car on the block, but you never see your friends and family and are pretty miserable. You may have lost touch with what’s important to you, instead favouring the ego and chasing what will impress others.


Card: Queen of Wands (Reversed)
Keywords: Self-respect, self-confidence, introverted, re-establish sense of self

The Queen of Wands is turned upside down, showing that she has reached a place full of self-respect and confidence. You know yourself at a deep level and are clear in your personal truth and belief systems. You know what you represent to you and are not easily influenced by other people’s opinions. You have also defined what success means to you, even if it differs from other people’s definitions.


Card: King of Pentacles
Keywords: Wealth, business, leadership, security, discipline, abundance.

The King of Pentacles represents material wealth, financial abundance, and earthly success. This King is a loyal provider; He uses his ambition and confidence to create wealth for himself and others, and builds his own value out of what he accumulates and can share with others. He is also a fatherly figure who provides advice, guidance and wisdom to others, particularly on financial and business matters.


Card: Ace of Cups (Reversed)
Keywords: Self-love, intuition, repressed emotions.

Yes, this is the Tarot deck’s self-love card! In an upright position, the Ace of Hearts is love for all things. In the inverted position, he talks about loving himself. So before you send your love into the world, send love to yourself by filling every cell in your body with Divine love and happiness. And the more you do this, the more flow you can be with life itself.


Card: Queen of Cups (Reversed)
Keywords: Inner feelings, self-care, self-love, co-dependency.

When the inverted Queen of Hearts appears in a Tarot reading, you need to draw in your attention and focus on your emotional well-being. You are great at looking after others – but now it’s time to look after YOU. This card indicates that you are too busy supporting others but emotionally exhausted, not yourself. You may need to set tight boundaries with your loved ones so that they know you love them and not take on their emotional burden.


Card: Eight of Swords (Reversed)
Keywords: Self-limiting beliefs, inner critic, releasing negative thoughts, open to new perspectives

The Eight of Swords reversed shows that limiting your self-esteem bothers you and hinders your progress. By telling yourself that you do not deserve to be rich, you can prevent you from gaining material abundance even if it is offered to you. Or you may think you are too old to lose weight and unhappy with your body and health. The beliefs you have about yourself prevent you from reaching your personal goals. In light of this, change your belief system. When you are in a negative thought pattern, catch yourself and break the cycle.


Card: King of Cups (Reversed)
Keywords: Self-compassion, inner feelings, moodiness, emotionally manipulative.

The inverted King of Hearts indicates that you are focusing your attention on your innermost feelings. You discover the emotions stored in your subconscious and how these emotions affect you. Through this work, you hope to gain a stronger sense of control over your emotional health so that your emotions do not stop you from living your best life.


Card: The Lovers
Keywords: Love, harmony, relationships, values alignment, choices

The card of lovers in its purest form represents conscious connections and meaningful relationships. The arrival of this card in a Tarot reading indicates that you have a beautiful, soul-honoring bond with loved ones. You may believe you have found your soulmate or life partner, and the sexual energy between you goes beyond momentary gratification and lust to something that is very spiritual and almost Tantric. While the lovers card typically expresses a romantic bond, it can also represent a close friendship or family relationship in which love, respect, and affection flow.


Card: Two of Pentacles
Keywords: Multiple priorities, time management, prioritisation, adaptability.

When two Pentacles appear in a Tarot reading, it’s safe to say that you have balanced your priorities, roles, and responsibilities. For example, you could be a working parent, the general manager of a business, an executive assistant in a busy office, or a multi-tasking person. In an upright position, this card indicates that you are doing an excellent job of balancing these different priorities and that you can take on everything life throws at you; But these Two remind you that the line between dealing with these demands and losing control is thin. You need to manage your time, energy and resources carefully so that you don’t lose your balance.


Card: The Hierophant
Keywords: Spiritual wisdom, religious beliefs, conformity, tradition,institutions

The Hierophant card represents an established set of spiritual values and beliefs and is often associated with religion and other official doctrines. Before exploring your belief systems and making your own choices (in relation to the next card, the Lovers), Hierophant encourages you to learn the fundamentals from a trusted source.


Card: Three of Wands
Keywords: Progress, expansion, foresight, overseas opportunities

While Two of Wands talks about planning from a safe and comfortable place for the future, Three of Wands shows that your plans are currently on track and you are considering more opportunities to expand your current strategy and maximize your ultimate potential. Thanks to your solid preparation and your continued drive, everything is progressing steadily and as expected.