Gemini 2020 Horoscope Overview

Gemini 2020 Horoscope Overview

YEAR OF 2020: It’s all about you, Gemini—at least for the four luxurious months that Venus spends in your sign this year!

From April 3-August 7, the love goddess herself is helping you cultivate greater self-love and reconnect with the things that bring beauty, pleasure, and value to your life. Know that whatever your heart desires, it desires you too.

But here’s the catch: With Venus retrograde from May 12-June 24, you can get so stuck in your head that it’s unclear what your heart really wants. Avoid the temptation to overthink or talk yourself into things—when it’s right, you’ll just know.

After all, with your ruler Mercury in Cancer for an extended time this year (May 28-August 4, retrograde June 17-July 12), you’re taking a deeper dive into the emotional, intuitive side of your nature and becoming more comfortable expressing your feelings to others.

You may feel pressed to choose between intellect and intuition—but Gemini, who says you can’t have both? Beginning May 5, the north node in your sign encourages you to lean into this duality and have some fun with it. Approach your own inner dialogue with the same curiosity and open-mindedness you’d bring to any other encounter.

That famous curiosity remains insatiable as ever, and this year there’s no shortage of interesting opportunities for you to explore both personally and professionally. Still, it’s important to maintain a healthy balance of work, play, and rest.

As Mercury spends the fall going back and forth between your houses of play (Libra) and work (Scorpio), the need for rest may be easy to overlook. But overlapping Mercury and Mars retrogrades (October 13-November 3 and September 9-November 13, respectively) will remind you when it’s time to put the brakes on.

The important thing is to stay focused on conserving your energies, not scattering them. This could mean changing some plans, dropping some projects, or simply saying “no” more often in order to prioritize your health and wellbeing. With a lunar eclipse in your sign on November 30, you’re supported in cutting out distractions and releasing all that no longer serves you.


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