Pisces – Mars in Aries Horoscope

For you, wealth is simply a tool to bring you what you value as you pass through this material world. You do, however, enjoy the thrill of spending. As Mars blows the lock off your bank safe, resources tumble into your hands, and back into your projects.

Jupiter’s time in Pisces waters brought you home to the shores of who you truly are. Now, with Mars and Jupiter setting your place of money ablaze, resources balloon the more you teach, support, and offer your gifts to the world.

As Chiron and Mars join in mid-June, you continue to uncouple your value as a being from how much you earn. It feels cathartic to let it flow and let it go.

Since late 2020, Saturn in Aquarius has been strengthening your commitment to mining the collective unconsciousness for hard-wrought gold. By the end of June, new resources stream from these excavations. Ultimately, your long-term commitment to the process will bring home the gold, despite your urgency to grow certain money trees overnight.

July opens with a powerful encounter between your values and the transformative alliances and collectives you are connecting to now. Power struggles may arise that draw on your energetic resources. If comparison bingo is activating your scarcity fears, remember you aren’t privy to the whole picture.

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