Pisces – Mars in Taurus Horoscope

As Mars enters Taurus, the flux and flow of your daily life will grow from a trickle to a mighty river. Running out of space in your agenda book, or feeling like you need to clone three of you? Fear not, darlings.

Even if your to-do list has multiple clauses, Mars’ placement in this fixed earth sign will help you carve out time for the simple everyday pleasures. Whether that includes stopping for a power nap under your favorite tree or turning your commute into a mindfulness ritual, the coming weeks will teach you that true productivity involves slowing down.

On August 1st, keep a notebook or an audio memo app handy, as your mind crackles with sudden insights and desires. If there’s something inside you that needs to be birthed, cast your word-spells with wild abandon. Twitch, stream, vlog, or podcast your revolutionary ideas and questions about our lands, stewardship of the Earth, and cultivation of everything that feeds and nourishes.

If your thoughts are still racing, sink into your daily rituals and offerings to spirit. These practices have outlasted, and will continue to outlast, such moments of mental turbulence. Leave chili peppers on your altar for Mars and give thanks for the courage to ask the hard questions.

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