Pisces April 2019 Monthly Love Horoscope

Pisces April 2019 Monthly Love Horoscope

MONTH OF APR 2019: A Venus-Neptune conjunction on April 10 opens the door for some serious emotional bonding. Whether it’s with an ex or someone new, you can reach a deeply intimate connection now.

One of the luckiest minor transits occurs on the fourteenth, and you get some amazing energy from the sun-Jupiter (retrograde) trine. If you’ve wasted any positive romantic energy in the past, this is your chance to make up for it. Don’t let this one get away!

Chatty Mercury enters willful Aries on April 16, so you aren’t at a loss for words for long. You say whatever’s on your mind, which can be refreshing, but it can also get you into hot water. You don’t really mind what kind of impression you make now, though, as long as someone’s thinking about you!

On the twentieth, romantic Venus also meets up with enthusiastic Aries, making you more outgoing and willing to do what it takes to make a good first impression. You don’t always feel comfortable making the first move, but right now you’re ready and willing to take the initiative.


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