Scorpio 2020 February Monthly Horoscope

Scorpio 2020 February Monthly Horoscope

MONTH OF FEB 2020: There’s a familiar emotional energy while communicative Mercury passes through Pisces starting on February 3. You and the Fish both like to stay in the background, and your subtle communication style reflects this now. Texting is your preferred method of keeping in touch.

A full moon in dramatic Leo on the eighth plays well off the logical Aquarius sun. Now is the time to go over the last month and see what has come to fruition, and what hasn’t. Your first instinct isn’t always to make a big deal out of your success, because then you’ll also have to broadcast your failures. This isn’t a good time for your pride to take a hit.

Your home planet Mars starts hanging out with responsible Capricorn on February 16, so get ready to get serious about your life. If you’ve been letting things slide lately, this transit won’t let you be lazy any longer.

A Mars-Uranus trine on the twenty-first urges you to break free from the restrictions you’ve been under lately, even if you placed them on yourself. If you’ve been on a strict schedule of studying, working, or taking care of other people, it’s time to leave your routine and have some fun. You aren’t usually a rule-breaker, but you find yourself wondering “what if” a lot now.


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