Wet Yeast Mask, At least 10 Age Rejuvenation Guarantee

Wet Yeast Mask, At least 10 Age Rejuvenation Guarantee

It has been scientifically proven that some special substances in wet yeast delay aging and renew dead cells. You will be rejuvenated in a guaranteed way with rejuvenation mask with rejuvenation, removing wrinkles, removing skin blemishes, drying acne and acne and many more.

It is very simple to apply wet yeast mask, which has a great effect especially on wrinkles. With this mask prepared using fresh yeast, you will regain the youth health of your skin.

You can say that it is a great mask recipe that prevents aging. You will have a healthy appearance with the mask, which has great effects for skin renewal, rejuvenation and radiance.

It is recommended to apply wet yeast mask on your skin regularly. If you spend your life with masks regularly, everyone will ask what you owe your youth. You should do skin care for beauty without disruption.

Ingredients Required for Age Yeast Mask for Oily Skin

  • 2 teaspoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • Half of a fresh yeast cube

Preparation and Application

  • In a glass bowl, mix the fresh yeast with lemon juice until it becomes a consistency.
  • Apply a thin layer all over your face after taking a consistency and wait for it to dry.
  • After it is completely dry, wash it off and clean it from your skin.
  • This mask will reduce greasiness and eliminate acne and acne problems.

Materials Required for Age Yeast Mask for Dry Skin

  • Half a pack of wet yeast
  • 1 vitamin E capsule
  • 1 quail egg

Preparation and Application

  • Prepare this mask in a glass bowl. First, whisk the eggs until they become white and whisk.
  • Then add the vitamin E capsule with yeast and mix until it becomes thick.
  • Apply on clean face, leave for 15 minutes and wash.
  • Thanks to this mask, your moisture rate will increase and wrinkles will be prevented.

What is Wet Yeast

Wet yeast, also called cube yeast, is a type of yeast that can be used in all pastries that require yeast dough. Fresh yeast, which is sold in the form of cubes in single packs of 42 grams in the market, is in a damp form and has a rapidly deteriorating structure.

This type of yeast, called wet yeast, must be kept in the refrigerator, since it contains 70% water. Although they vary depending on the brand of the yeast, their shelf life generally varies between 20 and 30 days.