Pisces 2020 June Monthly Love Horoscope

Pisces 2020 June Monthly Love Horoscope

MONTH OF JUN 2020: The sun is in outgoing Gemini as it squares Mars in your quiet sign on June 6, creating a rather uncomfortable space for you to try to navigate the dating world. You aren’t into taking the initiative now, but you’re also not interested in being contacted by people who don’t really want to get to know the real you. Maybe you should take a break from the dating scene until this uneasiness blows over.

When the sun forms a square to Neptune, your home planet, while traveling in your sign on the eleventh, you’ll have your daydreams to escape to when things get weird. You’re an expert at evading awkward, tense moments, which you might have to do during this transit.

The sun enters kindred water sign Cancer on June 20, opening you up emotionally and making you yearn for someone to share your life with. Family members can be a great comfort to you now. They know you better than anyone else, and they have your best interests at heart.

Your dreamy (and somewhat naïve) perceptions of someone are shattered as Neptune goes retrograde in your sign on the twenty-second, leaving you with a bad taste in your mouth. Now that you can see who they truly are, how will you proceed? The ball is in your court.