Aries 2020 July Monthly Love Horoscope

Aries 2020 July Monthly Love Horoscope

MONTH OF JUL 2020: The full moon and lunar eclipse could interfere with your intention to just have a good time on July 4. You have more on your mind than having fun, and you might have a hard time dwelling on anything other than finishing what you’ve already started.

Wounded warrior Chiron goes retrograde while in your powerful sign on the eleventh, so you’ll have the chance to do some serious inner reflection about your love life. You aren’t always comfortable being alone with your thoughts, but the outcome of these intense sessions could be the breakthrough you really need.

An annual sun-Jupiter opposition on July 14 reminds you to take advantage of romantic opportunities as they come your way. If you’re always waiting until exactly the right time or exactly the right person, you’ll never find what you’re looking for. Take a chance on romance, Aries. You won’t be sorry!

When the sun enters Leo on the twenty-second, your love life is fiery and dramatic! This is a good time to let the world know how you feel about your current love or tell your secret crush of your feelings in front of a crowd! This energy is full of “express yourself on a billboard” kind of big love, so there’s no reason to hide how you feel.