Aries 2020 August Monthly Horoscope

Aries 2020 August Monthly Horoscope

MONTH OF AUG 2020: Can you feel the pull to be a little bit different during the Aquarius full moon on August 3? This eccentric energy urges you to pursue the unknown and not be afraid to be perceived as outside the norm. Yes, this attitude can cause others to stare and point, but when have you cared about what anyone else thinks?!

Messenger Mercury enters outgoing Leo on the fourth, and you’re comfortable surrounded by this intense, fiery energy. You talk a little louder and you’re slightly more animated than usual, but that’s only because you’re so intent on getting your point across. Your aggression takes a back seat to friendliness.

Your ruler Mars is at home in your sign as it squares expansive Jupiter in earthy Capricorn, also on August 4, bringing luck and courage that you’ll need to fight some unexpected battles. Everyone might think things come easily to you, but underneath it all you’re a warrior going hard for what you want.

The sun leaves fiery Leo for less-passionate Virgo on the twenty-second, and while you might miss some of the intensity, you’ll gain a valuable earthiness that you can apply to your everyday life. There is a lot to be said for calming down and getting into a set routine, Aries. Take care of some responsibilities now that you’ve been avoiding.