Taurus 2020 October Monthly Horoscope

Taurus 2020 October Monthly Horoscope

MONTH OF OCT 2020: Your home planet Venus rules over love and money, and when she moves into fellow earth sign Virgo on October 2, these areas of your life take on a logical vibe that makes sense to you. If you’ve been impatiently waiting for a financial or romantic situation to resolve, you can rest a little easier now. You’re in no hurry.

The tenth brings the unsure energy of a Venus-Uranus trine, bringing news that throws you for a loop. You aren’t the best at rolling with the waves, so when you’re hit with this tsunami, your first instinct is to panic. After you calm down, get up and slowly take a look around. Chances are good the damage won’t be as bad as you had imagined.

Mercury goes retrograde in emotionally intense Scorpio on October 13, so the mix-ups and misunderstandings you cause now can have long-lasting repercussions. Even if you “didn’t mean to” hurt someone else’s feelings, they might not forgive you for a long time. And that’s on you.

There’s a second full moon of the month on the thirty-first, also known as a blue moon. When you have the chance to get closure (especially in areas of love or finances), take it. You might not get the opportunity again for a long, long time.