Leo 2020 December Monthly Horoscope

Leo 2020 December Monthly Horoscope

MONTH OF DEC 2020: When Mercury, the planet that guides our thoughts and conversations, moves out of introvert Scorpio and into extrovert Sagittarius on December 1, you can finally let the world know what’s on your mind! You’ve probably been keeping a secret that you’re dying to tell someone. If so, now is the time!

The ninth brings a square between your ruler sun, also in passionate Sagittarius, and dreamy Neptune that makes you stop what you’re doing, pause for just a moment, and think about whether you’re headed in the right direction. Thank goodness this aspect only happens once a year because it can dish out a pretty serious helping of self-doubt.

The new moon arrives on December 14—yes, also in fellow fire sign Sagittarius!—so you can’t help but think ahead to all the good things to come. Jumping the gun is one of the worst things you could do now, though. It’s good to be optimistic, but try not to count on things that haven’t happened yet.

The sun moves out of Sagittarius and into reasonable Capricorn on the twenty-first, reminding you of all the things that still aren’t crossed off your yearly to-so list. You don’t have a lot of time left to accomplish your goals, Leo, but you aren’t going to give up until you do!