Mercury in Virgo Horoscopes – August 11, 2021

Mercury in Virgo Horoscopes – August 11, 2021

Talkative Mercury moves into insightful Virgo on August eleventh. Until August 30th, correspondence will be clear and direct. During this time, words will be compact with how you express your deepest notions. The lone time that you might be muddled with how you talk or think will be on August 24th, as Mercury and Neptune will go against one another. This will carry neurosis and doubt to a head, as you’re not depending on rationale and common sense to direct you. Your instinct might be off which will make it difficult to comprehend matters according to an unmistakable viewpoint then, at that point. This is just a single second on schedule, so set yourself up shrewdly.

Mercury in Virgo Horoscopes
