Aquarius August 2018 Love Horoscope

Aquarius August 2018 Love Horoscope

You’re a rule breaker, Aquarius, and you might feel even more rebellious during the Mars retrograde-Uranus square on August 1. You’re that unique person who stands out in a crowd, but that isn’t always a bonus. You’re most attracted to people who want to walk along the wild side with you, though.

A Venus-Saturn retrograde square on the ninth could cause unnecessary tension in an existing relationship or put barricades up that weren’t there before between you and someone new. It’s tempting to forget about your troubles in exchange for a good time, but if you don’t take care of an existing problem, it will be waiting for you when you get done partying.

You see things clearly during a sun-Uranus trine on August 25, and having a love-related revelation can be life altering. Now that your vision isn’t blurred anymore, you’re amazed at how easy the solution to a problem is. What have you been so worried about this whole time?!

A difficult Mercury-Jupiter square on the twenty-eighth takes away some of your focus, and a good situation can slip away when you aren’t looking. Keep a close eye on your romantic goals if you want to reach them soon.


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