Daily Tarotscopes – June 11, 2022

Daily Tarotscopes – June 11, 2022

Check your daily tarotscope to figure out what is anticipated for you involving soothsaying and numerology for Saturday, June 11, 2022, by zodiac sign.


Tarot card: The Star

You are being gifted with a golden opportunity by the universe and that is because you are trusted to do the right thing at the right time. in your heart, you hold the key to wisdom and knowledge. To open the door to all you already know, all you need to do is look inside of yourself and be willing to hear your inner voice.


Tarot card: The Sun

There are times when you simply have to focus on the brighter side of life. There are always going to be bad days, but even in those moments when your journey is hard and long, you will know that you’re right where you are meant to be. Good things always happen to you when you are persistent and true to yourself.


Tarot card: The Fool

You are rushing ahead in true Gemini fashion. It’s your tireless curiosity for new things that gets you into trouble. But don’t worrry. You have good friends who are always there to give you advice. They are on the outside looking in and see what you missed. You just need to hear their input and let it sink in before you dismiss it as rubbish.


Tarot card: The Empress

You are kind and intuitive. These are traits that are meant for you sign. Today, your emotions are going to help you get started on a new journey. You may not be able to see where it is you’re going or why, but inner truth is the light you need. You’ll have to trust that your heart knows where it’s leading you.


Tarot card: The Chariot

Hang in there, Leo. You are working your way up the mountain. It’s a steep climb and you have so long to go. It can feel like things are taking way longer than you hoped, and it might be easier just to turn around and return from where you came from. The other side is worth fighting for, and once you’ve achieved your goal you’re going to feel so good.


Tarot card: Temperance

You are thinking much more than you usually do about a person, and this can have your nerves on edge wondering if they will call or if you will ever cross paths again. You have to let this one down and wait. Go do something else. Time flies by quickly when you’re not waiting for a call or text to come in. You’ll be glad you lived your life instead of wasting opportunities.


Tarot card: Strength

You have courage and tenacity. You are strong and you are bold. You have moments like every other human where you feel weak and deprived of power, but you’re way more powerful than you realize. Don’t let fear hold you back from being all that you were born to be.


Tarot card: The Hierophant

You’re no rule breaker, but you are also not someone who wants things to remain the same ‘just because’. Today, you’ll honor tradition for the sake of someone else. This is what love does, and you are being so loving right now.


Tarot card: The World

You get lucky and you get to collect all that you have coming to you. You have been working hard on your goals and dreams. And, now that you’ve made the right choices and sacrifices, all you need is coming to you. It feels good and it’s about time.


Tarot card: The Devil

Don’t give in to temptation, Capricorn. It’s so easy to feel like you have no other choice but to fold because you want something so badly. However, you can say no, and you know how to find alternatives to satisfying your temptation. So, pivot.


Tarot card: Death

The ending of one thing only means something better is coming. It can take time for your feelings to catch up to this truth. Life will prove that this was a wonderful moment and you were given a gift. Hindsight is 20/20, so trust this process.


Tarot card: Two of Cups

You are going back and forth with what you feel and are thinking. It’s so confusing when you are uncertain. However, you’re closer to figuring out what will work for you. Overwhelm will soon lead you to a place where you’re relieved and proud of your accomplishments.