Leo January 2023 Horoscope

Leo January 2023 Horoscope

Leo, you’re ready for some hard work as 2023 gets underway. The focus on your sector of work and wellness highlights coming to grips with your routines and making changes that can enhance your happiness and productivity. There are also opportunities to tackle wellness issues and explore ways to get fitter and enhance your energy and mood.

Yet the full moon in Cancer on January 6 might encourage you to take a break and reflect on matters that could be preventing your progress. This lunar phase might be emotional, so try to simplify your day and take time out for some pampering, a massage, or anything else that will leave you feeling relaxed and at ease. You never know—you might get a brilliant idea while soaking in the bath or walking in nature.

On the twelfth, feisty Mars turns direct in your social zone after its rewind phase of many weeks. If you’ve been reviewing your friendships and associations and the clubs and organizations you belong to, you might be ready for a fresh start. It’s time to move in new circles.

Talkative Mercury turns direct on January 18, which will be a relief if you’ve experienced delays and frustrations over the past three weeks. Any misunderstandings can now be resolved.

The sun’s move into Aquarius and your sector of relating on the twentieth ushers in a four-week period in which relationships and romance move higher up your list of priorities. You’ll be entering a more interactive phase in which you’ll want to spend more time with your partner and family and do more socializing. This is also a good time for teamwork and collaboration.

Finally, the new moon in Aquarius on January 21 is a great opportunity to kick-start a new business partnership, take a romance to the next level, or start a project or challenge with your partner or a friend.

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