Virgo January 2023 Horoscope

Virgo January 2023 Horoscope

The year 2023 gets underway with the sun and other key planets in your leisure zone, Virgo. The days until January 20 encourage you to express yourself through art, crafts, or other hobbies. And if you have a brilliant entrepreneurial idea, now is the time to put it into action. You never know where it might lead. Romance could also be a priority, no matter what your relationship status.

The full moon in Cancer on the sixth could coincide with a social event that’s fun but perhaps a little emotional. Try not to get carried away or do something that you might come to regret later.

The good news is that feisty Mars in a high-flying zone turns direct on January 12 after being retrograde for around ten weeks. If your plans seemed to stall and you’ve felt discouraged, things can start to look up. Soon you’ll be firing on all cylinders.

Quicksilver Mercury, your personal planet, turns direct in your leisure zone on the eighteenth, which can speed up the progress of a romance. And if a creative project has been delayed, your inspiration will soon return.

The sun moves into Aquarius on January 20 for a stay of four weeks, and you might be motivated to make some improvements to your lifestyle. These could include changing your routines and abandoning activities that are a waste of time. By cutting out all the deadwood, new roots and shoots can grow, and you’ll soon start to see results.

On the twenty-first, the new moon takes place in Aquarius and your work and wellness sector. It’s an invitation to kick-start new habits that can revolutionize your life and enhance your productivity. This is a good time to initiate plans related to your work, business, health, wellness, and anything else that contributes to your goals. If you’re thinking of starting a new job, send out your resume and get the ball rolling.


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