Capricorn January 2023 Horoscope

Capricorn January 2023 Horoscope

The emphasis is on your sign, Capricorn, with the sun here until January 20 encouraging you to express yourself and share your talents with the world. It’s an opportunity to focus on yourself for a change and get involved in activities that are close to your heart.

However, with chatty Mercury retrograde in this sector until the eighteenth, you’ll still need to take care with deals and negotiations and be aware that delays are possible. Still, this shouldn’t stop you from focusing on your future and setting goals that really resonate with you.

The full moon on January 6 takes place in your relationship zone, and it could highlight tension between you and another. If feelings have been building up but no one has said anything, this is when it could all come out into the open. Avoid making decisions in the heat of the moment. You might regret them later.

Dynamic Mars turns direct in your lifestyle sector on the twelfth, which will make a big difference in your productivity. If you’ve suffered from fluctuating energy levels and found that your best-laid plans have turned to mush, things are about to shift to the positive. Soon it will be all systems go.

The sun glides into Aquarius and your personal financial zone on January 20 and will remain here for around four weeks. This is an opportunity to take stock of your current situation and see how you can get your money working harder for you.

The new moon the next day is the best time to initiate new financial habits that will help you save money and stay in control. If you’re ready to start a side hustle, this is the perfect time to go ahead.

Finally, Venus enters Pisces on the twenty-sixth, and her presence here can help with discussions and negotiations and resolving communication issues.


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