Aries February 2023 Horoscope

Aries February 2023 Horoscope

As lively Jupiter continues its journey through your sign, Aries, you’ll be filled with bold ideas and eager to chase after fabulous opportunities. And yet the first few days of the month could get off to a tense start.

The full moon in Leo on February 5 can break up a stuck situation, unleashing creativity, romance, and a rush of entrepreneurial ideas. It’s as though you’ve reached your limit regarding one situation and are so determined that it will change that it does. Even so, avoid creating unnecessary drama to get attention. You might not even realize you’re doing it, so it’s something to watch out for.

Inquisitive Mercury hikes into humanitarian Aquarius on the eleventh, where it joins the sun and prudent Saturn. You’ll be intrigued by groups and clubs that offer something different, especially if they cater to your unique interests.

Delectable Venus moves to align with dreamy Neptune just after Valentine’s Day, making the days around this time extremely romantic. You could so easily fall under someone’s spell.

Your spiritual zone gains more emphasis as the sun moves in on February 18 for a stay of four weeks. This is your chance to unwind and recharge. It’s also an opportunity to resolve lingering issues so that you can have a clean slate when the sun moves into your sign later next month.

The new moon in Pisces on the nineteenth can be the perfect opportunity to begin habits that sustain your spiritual life. You might want to take up mindfulness meditation, learn yoga, or explore other disciplines that can ease tension and bring greater peace of mind.

Finally, you’ll have that special something as of February 20 when delightful Venus is in your sign. As a new phase gets underway, you might want to celebrate by getting a makeover. You’ll also be eager to network and make new friends.


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