Daily Tarotscopes – July 9, 2023

Daily Tarotscopes – July 9, 2023

Check your daily tarotscope to figure out what is anticipated for you involving soothsaying and numerology for Sunday, July 9, 2023 by zodiac sign.


Tarot card: Death

When a friend decided to end your friendship it hurt a bit, but today you feel like a weight has been lifted off of your shoulders. You wanted it to end, but didn’t have the courage or strength to let them down. The universe opened the exit door and sealed it shut — on the other side. No more wasted time or hearing things you don’t want to hear. They might think you’re sitting here wallowing in your sorrows, but this is a happy day for you.


Tarot card: The Fool

You know when you see a good thing, and while you might not be ready to assume so much responsibility you are willing to take a leap of faith. It’s a big deal to consider starting your own home-based business. You don’t know where to start, but rather than make someone else profitable, you’ll work harder to do it for yourself.


Tarot card: The Hermit

You have been hiding your feelings for too long. Now you’re ready to let them flow. You know that this person may not feel the same way as you do, but that isn’t the point. The point is to be open and honest with yourself. A secret, even if it is about love, is only powerful when it’s kept. Maybe telling how you feel will free you from the pain you’ve been feeling inside — or if they love you too, set your heart free.


Tarot card: Wheel of Fortune

You have a habit of falling in love with the same person; different body, different name but inherently the same individual with similar personalities and traits. Today, your luck will take a turn for the better as you start to attract a new type of lover into your life. The dark cloud over your love life has finally come to pass. It’s as if your life is starting all over again, and this time you’re the one who is lucky in love.


Tarot card: Temperance

Listen to your heart, Leo. Sometimes what you hear won’t be pleasant to hear. There will be times when your heart speaks to you about sadness, sorrow and loneliness. When you feel these painful emotions, it’s important not to ignore them. It’s an opportunity for you to discover your soul’s needs, and search for new ways to grow and cultivate a new mindset.


Tarot card: The Sun

Each day is an opportunity to start all over again, Virgo. You have been traveling down this particular path, but are you sure this is the one that you’re meant to be on. Why waste time doing something that does not bring you joy or give you a strong sense of fulfillment? Today, choose happiness and keep picking joy. It’s in these small choices that you begin to move your life in a new direction.


Tarot card: The Magician

You are so talented, Libra, but you have been stretching yourself too thinly trying to cover all bases and be all things to everyone you love. When you do everything in your power to make someone you love happy, it may sound good in theory but you’re giving your power away. Today learn to strike a balance between pursuing the heart of another, but also giving the space to make their own happiness.


Tarot card: The Hanged Man

The clock is ticking, Scorpio. You keep saying to yourself how one day you’ll do what you need to do build your future. But each day passes and it bleeds into the next without you having done anything to make your dreams happen. Today is the day you decide to stop talking about the future and create the life you want to live now. You’ll find the hour you need to dedicate it to the pursuit of your goal, and each day, little-by-little make your dream a reality.


Tarot card: Strength

You don’t have to prove yourself to anyone. The moment you decide to live for an external purpose is the instant you step away from living an authentic life. You are a work in progress, and as you learn to be true to yourself you not only attract people who admire your personality, but you also detract individuals who don’t have real purpose or meaning in your life.


Tarot card: The Star

You’re a natural-born teacher, Capricorn. Everything that you have been through, from the time you were a child up until this point has given you unique wisdom and knowledge. What good is knowing things if you don’t share your experience with others? Every time you help someone learn from your experience, it deepens your awareness of what you’ve been through and gives you even more wisdom to share in the future.


Tarot card: The Devil

You aren’t that person anymore. You left the old pattern of behavior in the past, and now you think differently. People who haven’t seen you in a while may not be comfortable with how much you’ve changed. They may even resent the fact that you’re not the person they thought you were any longer. What matters, though, is that you’re happy with who you are, and that you enjoy the path you’re traveling.


Tarot card: The Moon

It’s OK to be confused. You don’t have to know the answer to every question. In fact, not knowing can be a wonderful experience. It helps you to remain curious and to explore the world with an open mind and a hungry heart.


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