Libra June 2019 Monthly Horoscope

Libra June 2019 Monthly Horoscope

MONTH OF JUN 2019: What should you focus on during the learning-oriented new Gemini moon on June 3? Sign up for a class covering your favorite subject or watch a documentary about a topic that interests you. The more ways you can figure out how to feed your brain, the better!

Lovely Venus also spends time in Gemini starting on the eighth, piquing your curiosity about someone or something new. What did you do before this person or thing came into your life?! Whether it’s a new TV show or relationship, you can’t wait to find out what the next episode reveals.

The Sagittarius full moon on June 17 awakens your need for stimulation. When was the last time you explored your own neighborhood or went on a vacation to an exotic location? It doesn’t really matter how many miles you travel. If you’re not in your own familiar surroundings, you’re happy.

You’ll have to battle against your “fight or flight” instincts during the Mars-Pluto retrograde opposition on the nineteenth, but staying put is worth it. Personal growth includes showing up and dealing with your current issues, Libra, so do what it takes to hang in there and get through the tough stuff.


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