Amazing Natural Anti-Aging Remedy With Cabbage Which You Can Easily Do At Home

Amazing Natural Anti-Aging Remedy With Cabbage Which You Can Easily Do At Home

Nobody likes to look older than they actually are. Even though there are several anti-ageing products present in the market we suggest you use these cabbage remedies as a natural alternative to fighting the signs of ageing.

Cabbage and Lemon

How To:

  • Cut a cabbage in half and boil it in some salt water until it becomes tender and translucent.
  • Cut the boiled cabbage into smaller pieces and then put it in a blender. Add a tablespoon of lemon juice to the mix as well.
  • Grind the two ingredients together to make a dense thick paste.
  • Apply this paste on your face and massage it gently for about 5-10 minutes.
  • Leave the paste as it is for half an hour or so until it dries up and all the moisture is soaked by the skin.
  • Wash off the paste with some cold water and a mild moisturizer to mask the cabbage smell.
  • Use this face mask two to three times a week to remove the ageing lines from your skin.

Cabbage Soup

How To:

  • Put a small sized cabbage in a boiler by cutting into small pieces.
  • Add some diced vegetables in the boiler along with half a litre of water and then put all the ingredients to boil over a medium heat for about half an hour.
  • Turn off the heat when all the vegetables have become soft and tender.
  • Drink the soup a little by little after it has cooled down a bit.
  • Consume this cabbage soup every day if you can to benefit your whole body and feel years younger.


Cabbage and Green Tea

How To:

  • Take a small bowl of diced cabbage and grind it in a blender with some green tea to make a thick and smooth paste.
  • Spread this paste on your face and then massage it gently for some time to distribute the paste evenly throughout.
  • Let the paste be as it is for about 15-20 minutes.
  • Use lukewarm water along with some mild cleanser to remove any traces of the cabbage or green tea clogged in your skin.
  • Repeat this remedy two to three times a week to get the best results.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Cabbage

How To:

  • Take the same amount of cabbage as you did in the first remedy and put it in a medium sized boiler.
  • Fill the boiler with water and then add three-four tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in it.
  • Let the cabbage boil in the vinegar induced water for half an hour and then bring it down.
  • Grind the boiled cabbage to make a thick pulp and then spread this pulp all over your face.
  • Wash off the cabbage pulp with water and a clean towel after 20 minutes of application.
  • This process can be repeated two to three times a week so that your skin looks and feel young again.

Cabbage and Cucumber

How To:

  • Blend half a cabbage, a peeled cucumber and two three garlic cloves together to make a thick mixture.
  • Wrap this in a cheesecloth and squeeze it to extract the excess liquid. Keep the remaining mixture aside.
  • Apply this cabbage and cucumber mixture on your face and massage it for a bit.
  • Leave the paste as it is for 10-15 minutes and then wash it off using normal water and a towel.
  • Repeat this procedure twice or thrice in a week to rejuvenate the pores of your skin and get rid of all the ageing signs.

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