Taurus 2020 Yearly Love Horoscope

Taurus 2020 Yearly Love Horoscope

YEAR OF 2020: Loving yourself is a radical act, Taurus. And with Uranus in your sign, you’ve joined the revolution!

As a result, looking for love outside yourself isn’t as alluring in 2020. Still, anything can happen—especially in March, when Venus transits your sign and hooks up with Uranus on the eighth. With your unusual appeal, you may attract some unlikely admirers… or be drawn to quirky, offbeat characters like a moth to a flame. Just make sure you’re not rebelling against your own best interests by getting involved.

Even if you’re in a relationship, this year personal growth takes top priority. And you’re likely to encounter some resistance from your partner or get frustrated when they don’t seem to be evolving as quickly as you. Try to be patient with them, Taurus—after all, you know how much you hate being prodded and pushed.

Still, it’s important to honor your journey and keep moving forward at your own pace. This may cause tension between you and your partner at times, but in the long run it’s probably the best thing you can do for the relationship. (Of course, sometimes people do outgrow each other—but don’t let that fear hold you back.)

The important thing is to keep the lines of communication open: Mercury spends most of the fall in your opposite sign of Scorpio (including some of his retrograde period, October 13-November 3), and Venus is in Scorpio from November 21-December 15. Talking about issues such as jealousy, possessiveness, sex, money, or power dynamics can feel like opening up Pandora’s box. But it’s also your best hope for a happy future together.

Just be mindful that, with the south node in Sagittarius (starting May 5), it may be harder to keep an open mind. Instead of going into these conversations with preconceived notions of who’s “right” and who’s “wrong,” try approaching them with curiosity.

After all, as this year’s Jupiter/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn (April 4, June 29, and November 12) proves, these aren’t minor issues you’re dealing with here—they’re some of life’s biggest, deepest questions.


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