Aquarius February 2023 Horoscope

Aquarius February 2023 Horoscope

You’re the flavor of the month, Aquarius, because the sun in your sign gives you a radiant glow and enhances the attractor factor. You’ll have opportunities to showcase your best qualities, fulfill your most personal needs, and focus on those plans and projects that are near and dear to your heart. And while others might accuse you of being selfish, this is the time to give something back to yourself.

And yet the full moon in your opposite sign of Leo on February 5 could cause some tension. Feelings that have been swept under the carpet might overflow, and you could find it hard to contain them. Plus, with edgy Uranus in the mix, you might be tempted to do something on impulse that you come to regret later. It would be wise to hold back until things have settled down and you can see the situation more clearly.

On the eleventh, chatty Mercury enters your sign, empowering you to express yourself. If you have any issues to discuss, now is the time.

The sun’s move into Pisces on February 18 will highlight your personal financial zone for around four weeks. This is a good opportunity to take stock and consider how you can get your money to work harder for you. And if you’re eager to start a side hustle, you can always start by selling off items you no longer need.

The new moon in Pisces on the nineteenth is a good time to initiate some money management habits that will help you stay in control and eliminate stress and anxiety concerning your finances.

Finally, delightful Venus is in dynamic Aries on February 20, highlighting your communication zone. This sector of your chart is bursting with energy, so use this opportunity to connect with the right people and you could go far. This is a great time to network and catch up with people you haven’t seen in a while.


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