Aries August 2019 Monthly Horoscope

Aries August 2019 Monthly Horoscope

MONTH OF AUG 2019: Your sometimes tactless manner subsides slightly now that communicative Mercury has just turned direct in soft-spoken Cancer. Your pace is far less rushed than usual as you focus on making loved ones feel comfortable, valued, and loved with your kind words.

Destiny is on your side as lucky Jupiter goes direct on August 11, so don’t dismiss the opportunities it presents. If you’ve been regretting something lately, this is your chance to take action and make things right.

Your home planet Mars enters structured Virgo on the eighteenth, so you’re ready, willing, and able to power through whatever’s on your plate. Keep your head down and your eyes on the results as you’re stuck working those long overtime hours.

Loving Venus also enters Virgo’s practical sign, on August 21, at which point love becomes more about practical gestures than it does about passion. As a fire sign, you can never put the fire out completely, but this earthy influence does a lot to calm things down romantically.

A progressive Mars-Uranus trine on the twenty-eighth encourages you to take risks, and you should be able to rely on your instincts when it comes to figuring out the boundaries. There are still rules you must follow like everyone else, but you have a way of cutting through red tape better than your competitors.


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