Daily Career Horoscope – April 8, 2022

Daily Career Horoscope – April 8, 2022

Aries Daily Career Horoscope – April 8, 2022

Are you ready to take action, Aries? Mercury in your sign makes another sextile today, but now to Mars in Aquarius. You may have a game plan for networking, getting ahead in your aspirations, and becoming more well-known in your professional communities. Luckily, today’s supportive transit can help you take a stance. Mars and Mercury are ready to act on your behalf! Mercury can help you speak up with confidence, while Mars actively networks for you. As the cosmic energy blends together, you may feel more assertive as a leader in your professional network!

Taurus Daily Career Horoscope – April 8, 2022

Taurus, you can act on your thoughts. If you have been dreaming and scheming professional plans, it may be time to act on your ideas. Now that Mercury in Aries is sextile to Mars in Aquarius, you could feel the pressure to change your career path. Mercury is ready to break free from your subconscious prison, to speak and act openly on your thoughts. Since Mars is working with Mercury, you may feel like it is time to finally execute your plans. You can change your career whenever you want, so do it!

Gemini Daily Career Horoscope – April 8, 2022

Turn your dreams into a reality, Gemini! If you have plans to move forward in your professional development, then do so when Mercury in Aries sextiles Mars in Aquarius today. The sextile inspires idealization, communication, and strategy. You may feel like it is finally time to talk about your aspirations, especially when networking with influential leaders in your professional community. The more you put your goals, ambitions, and dreams out there, the more opportunities to embark on your journey will begin to come your way, allowing you to commit to your professional plans!

Cancer Daily Career Horoscope – April 8, 2022

Take charge of your career, Cancer. As Mercury in Aries sextiles Mars in Aquarius today, you may feel the urge to take control of your professional investments, resources, and assets. Mars is ready to forge forward with your unique financial partnerships, encouraging you to transform your resources. Luckily, Mercury can help lead the way as it already has a few ideas about your professional growth. Together, the blend of fire and air energy will kick you into gear, encouraging you to finally take action so that you can have the career you have been waiting for.

Leo Daily Career Horoscope – April 8, 2022

Start planning on your professional growth and development, Leo. Now that Mercury in Aries sextiles Mars in Aquarius, you could feel like it is time to talk about the direction of your working relationships, partnerships, and commitments. Ideally, your current obligations should lead to something greater down the line, like better pay or more opportunities to rise in your career. If you want to talk about the trajectory of such ventures, then use the Mercury-Mars energy to set the development of such into motion. Do not be afraid to ask hard questions or to define your expectations!

Virgo Daily Career Horoscope – April 8, 2022

How can you further invest in your work, Virgo? You may have a lot to consider as Mercury in Aries sextiles Mars in Aquarius. The sextile suggests that you may be considering your current position from a transformative perspective. Ideally, what you do now could lead to a greater pay-off, financial gain, or professional come-up in the future. But if you are unsure of what you need to do, use the sextile to talk about it. See what a trusted confidant has to say about your current financial and professional trajectory, then adjust your actions as needed.

Libra Daily Career Horoscope – April 8, 2022

Are you feeling inspired, Libra? Passion for certain projects, agreements, and working relationships could be brimming as Mercury in Aries sextiles Mars in Aquarius today. Mercury is boisterous, making your ideas and opinions known. You could feel especially chatty and excited about the trajectory of your skills in the workplace. With the sextile acting as a supportive aspect for your professional passions, you may feel more confident about asking for a more independent, creative direction at work. Use this energy to commit to asking for work that showcases your talent and vision!

Scorpio Daily Career Horoscope – April 8, 2022

Set your boundaries, Scorpio. Talking about your expectations for yourself and others may come more easily than usual as Mercury in Aries sextiles Mars in Aquarius. The assertive, communicative nature of the sextile implies that you should consider setting your boundaries with colleagues, friends, and family. If you want to improve your work-life balance, you need to speak up. Tell your colleagues what you expect from them and vice versa at work. Let your family and friends know what you need outside of work. Being assertive with your boundaries can make a huge difference!

Sagittarius Daily Career Horoscope – April 8, 2022

Show your coworkers what you are made of, Sagittarius! Strong and assertive, you are coming across as a leader in conversation when Mercury in Aries sextiles Mars in Aquarius today. You may feel especially inspired and excited during this sextile. As Mercury-Mars blend, you may feel like it is easier to speak your mind with indifference. For example, you may feel unbothered by certain colleagues or their input, as you could be solely focused on what you are bringing to your workplace. So, use this energy to assert yourself in a non-confrontational, professional manner!

Capricorn Daily Career Horoscope – April 8, 2022

If you want it, then you need to act on it, Capricorn! As a slow-moving earth sign, you tend to consider your plan of action heavily before committing to it. But as Mercury in Aries sextiles Mars in Aquarius today, you are encouraged to pick up the pace. If you want to live a different financial lifestyle, then you need to set a plan into motion. Mercury-Mars are working together to kick your butt into gear, to get you to talk about and stick with a financial plan of action that can meet your goals while sustaining your desired lifestyle.

Aquarius Daily Career Horoscope – April 8, 2022

You can do it, Aquarius! If you want to be taken seriously, speak up while Mercury in Aries sextiles Mars in Aquarius. Now is the time to rise as a leader through the power of assertively communicating within your workplace. But how you do it will set the tone for how others view your leadership style. Depending on how you lean into the sextile, you could be seen as either aggressive or assertive. Just remember that most leaders do not have to overcompensate to be taken seriously. So, less is more when you are taking the stance at work!

Pisces Daily Career Horoscope – April 8, 2022

Change your mindset, Pisces. The cosmos is challenging you to adopt a different perspective as Mercury in Aries sextiles Mars in Aquarius. If you have been looking for a mental makeover or subconscious reset, then look no further. Mercury and Mars are working together to help you see the value in your work. From your job to your environment to your position, the sextile is learning to actively value everything that goes into your work. So, instead of becoming frustrated with mundane issues, you could harness the sextile’s energy to appraise your work-life more positively.