Daily Career Horoscope – January 24, 2022

Daily Career Horoscope – January 24, 2022

Aries Daily Career Horoscope – January 24, 2022

Rise and grind when Mars enters Capricorn today, hitting your sector of career, accomplishments, and public image. Aries, starting now, the universe is challenging you to show up in your career path! Although Venus retrograde is still impacting your commitments to this sector, Mars can at least give you a sense of direction by prioritizing what could be worth it in the long term. Mars can help Venus retrograde figure out a better sense of direction. But Mars does square your sign, so you may be a bit restless, as Mars in Capricorn will encourage you to assess before acting.

Taurus Daily Career Horoscope – January 24, 2022

Get moving, Taurus! There are no more excuses to dally with your next great professional adventure as Mars enters Capricorn today. The Saturn-ruled Mars is about to kick your butt into shape as it will become your driving force to grow and experience new professional pursuits. Education, travel, or both could entice you to find a new professional passion. You may even be ready to dive into an aspect of your career, like honing a skill or taking a few classes to better your knowledge on a subject. Let Mars drive you to succeed!

Gemini Daily Career Horoscope – January 24, 2022

Time to take action in your finances, Gemini. As Mars enters Capricorn today, you take on an enterprising spirit with your mutual assets at work. Mars is ready to take the bull by the horn, to lead your fiscal journey with merging, buying, and selling. However, it is a slow and practical Martian transit, which is perfect for considering your long-term goals that could yield a greater reward. Since Venus retrograde is also occurring, it may be best to explore your options. You will have an opportunity to commit once Venus stations direct!

Cancer Daily Career Horoscope – January 24, 2022

As Mars enters Capricorn, you may become more aggressive and assertive in your sector of commitments. Cancer, you may feel unsure of taking any professional commitments to the next level, thanks to Venus retrograde. So, your plans for new partnerships and agreements may be stalled. Luckily, Mars can boost your desire to initiate. You could take on a surprisingly forceful nature in your commitments, which may show up as asking for what you deserve. Just try not to come across as combative or bossy with Mars empowering your leadership abilities.

Leo Daily Career Horoscope – January 24, 2022

Leo, you may have a better sense of what you want to do with your job when Mars enters Capricorn today. Now operating with the Sea-Goat, you may feel particularly ambitious with making your job work for you instead of against you. You may begin to rise as a powerful employee, someone who others could follow without questioning. But you may take on more duties during this transit. Mars could also give you a bossy tone, so be sure to delegate with mindfulness to ensure that you are exercising your leadership skills correctly!

Virgo Daily Career Horoscope – January 24, 2022

Get ready for a creative breakthrough today, Virgo! Venus retrograde may have put your artistic style on the back burner, especially if you are working through your style, brand, and presentation of your professional flair. With Mars entering Capricorn today, you may feel charged to tackle your projects with a creative drive. Mars could also help you power through your Venus retrograde blocks, specifically if you have something you need to get done or want to explore within your range of talent. Use Mars in Capricorn to experiment with different mediums and styles at work!

Libra Daily Career Horoscope – January 24, 2022

Are you ready to step up as a leader, Libra? Today, Mars enters the pragmatic Capricorn, hitting your home and family sector. Work could have alluded to domestic duties, especially with Venus retrograde also prioritizing your home and family. Now that Mars is affecting the same sector, you could feel more ambitious with tackling long-term or intensive projects. Aside from this, your sign squares Mars, indicating that you may have to be more proactive about taking an assertive stance in your workplace. Do not be afraid to be a little bossy!

Scorpio Daily Career Horoscope – January 24, 2022

Be mindful of your tone, Scorpio. Venus retrograde has been restructuring your immediate professional bonds and the conversations you may have with them. Although you could be unsure of where to go from here, Mars may give you a better sense of direction as it enters Capricorn today. You may find that you speak with assertion during the Martian transits. Others may readily listen to you and even follow whatever you say. So, wield this power carefully. There is an authority in your voice, so use it wisely. Try not to come across as aggressive, combative, or bossy.

Sagittarius Daily Career Horoscope – January 24, 2022

Venus retrograde could have shaken up your finances, especially if your income has been disrupted or if there have been unexpected expenses. Sagittarius, you may feel unsure of what to do, but Mars entering Capricorn can help you! With both Mars and Venus retrograde affecting your finances, you may have a lot to consider with your budget. Mars can give you a boost of confidence to chase to get the bag, which may lead you to pick up a side hustle, talk to an advisor, or even ask your employer for a raise.

Capricorn Daily Career Horoscope – January 24, 2022

Venus retrograde has been a process of growing and glowing at work, Capricorn. You may be feeling a little less confident in this transition period, but your confidence could come back with Mars entering Capricorn! Now in your sign, Mars encourages you to step up as a leader in your workplace. Be sure to come across as a leader who values and respects your coworkers. Try not to come across as aggressive or bossy. Mars will give you an assertive quality, which is perfect for finding your footing at work once again!

Aquarius Daily Career Horoscope – January 24, 2022

For the last few weeks, Venus retrograde has been affecting your subconscious views of money and value, particularly associated with leaders and authority. You may be unsure of how to tap into your leadership qualities, but maybe Mars can help. As of today, Mars is in Capricorn, giving your subconscious something to consider. Aquarius, Mars encourages you to become the leader you wish you had in the workplace. But Mars is a little karmic given its positioning, so consider how you can assert yourself professionally without potentially coming across as aggressive or controlling.

Pisces Daily Career Horoscope – January 24, 2022

Throughout the last few weeks, Venus retrograde could have challenged your commitment to your professional networks and dreams. You may be in the midst of change, likely trying to figure out what is worth following. So, Mars entering Capricorn can help guide you! Pisces, allow Mars in Capricorn to build you a structure, a game plan, or define a long-term goal. With this Martian drive, you may be particularly ambitious with what networks you could work with or dreams you could bring into fruition. Go after your professional aspirations!