Daily Horoscope Friday – July 15, 2022

Daily Horoscope Friday – July 15, 2022

Aries Daily Horoscope Friday – July 15, 2022

The vibe could get a little rocky as your day begins, dear Aries, when the Aquarius moon enters a harsh t-square with the nodes of fate. This cosmic climate could lead to political arguments and unexpected expenses, and you may find it difficult to control your emotions. Small hiccups are likely to continuously plague your day, thanks to a series of unbalanced aspects in the sky, and you’ll need to be okay about going with the flow right now. Luckily, harmony will find you this evening as Luna blows a kiss to sweet Venus, opening the door to peace and calm.

Taurus Daily Horoscope Friday – July 15, 2022

Chaos at work could cause you to second guess your professional path this morning, dear Taurus, as the Aquarius moon enters a harsh t-square with the nodes of fate. Though you may feel uncertain about your occupational future, the vibes present right now will give you a unique opportunity to showcase your value to the company, stepping up when your boss and colleagues need you most. Though you’ll be busy throughout the day, likely putting out fires, you’ll have an opportunity to relax this evening. A sweet alliance between Luna and Venus will inspire you to embrace luxury, so be sure to reward yourself accordingly.

Gemini Daily Horoscope Friday – July 15, 2022

Expect the unexpected this morning, dear Gemini, as the Aquarius moon connects with unpredictable Uranus and the lunar nodes. This cosmic climate will bring swift shifts of fate, causing you to question what the path ahead will look like. Rather than stressing over the future, give yourself permission to take a step back. Though relying on your intuition may feel even more confusing right now, asking the other side for calm and clarity can help you find your way. Take some time to tap into your gratitude later tonight, when the moon shares a sweet connection with harmonious Venus.

Cancer Daily Horoscope Friday – July 15, 2022

It may be time to purge your social media feeds of any accounts that have been triggering you recently, dear Cancer, as the Aquarius moon enters a harsh t-square with the nodes of fate. You won’t be in the mood to deal with anyone who publishes content that angers you right now, and removing these incidents from your life will create a sense of empowerment and control. However, you’ll need to avoid engaging in any online discussion that might unleash anger within you, or you could sacrifice your productivity in favor of feeding internet trolls, spoiling your mood in the process.

Leo Daily Horoscope Friday – July 15, 2022

A strange energy will manifest within your love life this morning, dear Leo, as the Aquarius moon enters a harsh t-square with the nodes of fate. Hurts from the past could suddenly enter your mind once more, causing you to put up emotional walls without even realizing it. If you’re feeling a little off right now, don’t be afraid to take some time for yourself, as silence can help you sort through these emotions. Luckily, you’ll begin to feel more social when Luna blows a kiss to Venus this afternoon, making it a good time to discuss anything that’s been bothering you.

Virgo Daily Horoscope Friday – July 15, 2022

Your internet usage could get in the way of your work today, dear Virgo, as the Aquarius moon cozies up to Saturn, forming unbalanced aspects with the sun and Mercury. Though you’ll be tempted to express your thoughts and feelings on your favorite platforms, issues could also arise with misinformation and heated debate. There’s also a risk that you could end up in an intellectual standoff with someone who has opposing views, treating to leave you emotionally and energetically depleted. Try not to let others throw you off your game, and be sure to toss your phone in a drawer if it becomes too distracting.

Libra Daily Horoscope Friday – July 15, 2022

You may have a hard time getting ready this morning, dear Libra, as the Aquarius moon squares off with the nodes of fate. This cosmic climate could leave you strangely unsatisfied with your wardrobe options, causing you to struggle with your image and ego. The vibe around the office might get a little wonky as well, and mismanagement could leave you feeling uncertain about how to proceed with your work. Don’t be afraid to ask questions when you’re uncertain, but try not to push others to solve your problems for you. Luckily, you’ll have a chance to reclaim peace this evening when Luna blows a kiss to Venus.

Scorpio Daily Horoscope Friday – July 15, 2022

The vibe could feel a little off for you today, dear Scorpio, as a series of unbalanced aspects manifest in the sky, throwing almost everyone off their game. You’ll notice this energy coming from multiple directions, causing you to become emotionally detached and out of sorts. Rather than forcing yourself to try and feel or think a certain way, give yourself permission to simply float along, if only for a few hours. Luckily, a cleansing energy will come into play this evening when Luna blows a kiss to Venus. Use this cosmic climate as an excuse to stay home, so you can recharge and find your clarity once more.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Friday – July 15, 2022

You may feel as though your mind is short-circuiting today, dear Archer, as the Aquarius moon forms a series of difficult aspects. Forgetfulness to miscommunications could be in store for you, which means it might be a good time to compile and stick to a to-do list. Luckily, these wonky vibes will dissipate later tonight, when Luna blows a kiss to glamorous Venus. This cosmic climate is perfect for breaking out of your typical routine, especially if it’s with someone special. Self-care should also be a priority, making it important that you check in with your needs while nurturing your psyche.

Capricorn Daily Horoscope Friday – July 15, 2022

Watch your spending today, dear sea-goat, as a series of difficult aspects in the sky could make it easy for you to mismanage your finances. This vibe could be particularly troublesome if you use gifts to express your love, as the temptation to spoil your nearest and dearest will be real. Treating yourself to unnecessary luxuries should also be avoided, even if you know more money will be coming in soon. Try not to count your ducks before they’ve hatched, working only with the cash you currently have at your disposal while considering what budget coincides with your fiscal goals.

Aquarius Daily Horoscope Friday – July 15, 2022

Get ready for a bumpy ride today, dear Aquarius, as the moon travels through your sign while forming a series of difficult aspects in the sky. This cosmic climate will leave you scrambling for control. However, you’ll need to keep in mind that the only person you truly have power over is yourself. The disorganization and irresponsibility of others could be particularly difficult to find patience for, but try not to micromanage or impart unsolved advice. Luckily, you’ll have an opportunity to unwind this evening when Luna blows a kiss to Venus, restoring balance to your heart and ego.

Pisces Daily Horoscope Friday – July 15, 2022

Your subconscious will be a busy place today, sweet Pisces, as the Aquarius moon forms a series of unbalanced aspects in the sky. This cosmic climate could cause you to overthink your options, creating difficulties in making decisions. Intrusive thoughts could also leave you unfocused at work, though grounding and engaging your senses may help you find clarity. Luckily, you’ll have a chance to release stress while nurturing your heart later tonight when Luna blows a kiss to Venus. Give yourself permission to unplug at home, indulging in your comfiest PJs and favorite snacks before bedtime rolls around.