Daily Horoscope Friday – July 3, 2020

Daily Horoscope Friday – July 3, 2020

Aries Daily Horoscope Friday – July 3, 2020
A great deal of attention will center on your emotions today, Aries, although being centered in and of itself will be quite the challenge. You may feel like a yo-yo at the mercy of someone else’s hand. Don’t fall prey to victimization. Stand up for yourself even if it means that others are likely to get upset. You’re responsible for your feelings and no one else’s.

Taurus Daily Horoscope Friday – July 3, 2020
Maintaining equilibrium might not be the easiest task today, but if anyone can do it, you can, Taurus. You may find that others’ strong opinions are cropping up and challenging your ego. You have a great deal of ammunition in your arsenal. You’ll find that you can learn quite a bit by accepting this challenge and engaging in a heated debate. Have faith in yourself.

Gemini Daily Horoscope Friday – July 3, 2020
Desire is the name of the game for you today, Gemini. If you want it, you can get it, but it won’t come easily. The prize will go to the person who desires it the most. Show the people around you how much you can accomplish. You’ll impress others with your incredible drive and determination. Don’t give in to the wasp that’s likely to fly up and sting you.

Cancer Daily Horoscope Friday – July 3, 2020
Today will be like playing a game on your home field, Cancer. You have fans out there supporting you and you know the territory. Take advantage of the little things that you have going for you. There is a dramatic force at work that may be erratic but extremely powerful as long as you can maintain control. Stay focused on your goals. True happiness is only a small step away!

Leo Daily Horoscope Friday – July 3, 2020
Enlist the help of others today, Leo. You’ll find that information exchange is the key to putting the last few puzzle pieces into place. Doing things on your own is important and necessary. At some point you need to realize that the next major step requires a certain amount of input from others. Gather data and apply it to your situation. Don’t become a leach or burden to others.

Virgo Daily Horoscope Friday – July 3, 2020
This is an excellent day for you, Virgo, so live it up! Your ego is strong, and beautiful things are flowing your way in general. You should enjoy a good mood that will attract favorable people and situations. There is virtually no limit to the expansiveness of this day. One thing to watch for, however, is that you don’t get too arrogant. Be proud but not obnoxious.

Libra Daily Horoscope Friday – July 3, 2020
Your emotions may be a bit erratic. It could be hard for you to focus on anything today, Libra. Things continue to shift from one topic to the next with little resolution of any. Others aren’t apt to be very sympathetic to your feelings, so don’t expect them to be. You’ll only be setting yourself up for disappointment. It’s a better day to focus on your head rather than your heart.

Scorpio Daily Horoscope Friday – July 3, 2020
There is an extra blast of wind to fill your sails today, Scorpio, so make sure you’ve got both hands on the steering wheel. Whichever way your rudder is pointed is the direction you’ll go. Once you get on your course, it will be difficult for you to readjust your position, so make sure that your compass is properly set. Continue on with your journey full speed ahead.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Friday – July 3, 2020
The day’s energy is erratic and you’re apt to jump all over the place, Sagittarius. Don’t worry about trying to firm up any plans at this time. You may feel like you’re trying to grab a slippery fish with butter on your hands. If this is the case, don’t worry about it. Let the fish swim away for now and relax. You can always catch another one later if need be.

Capricorn Daily Horoscope Friday – July 3, 2020
Get up and get going today, Capricorn. You have no time to lose. Your quick mind will be busy working on many tasks, but this suits you just fine. You’re well equipped to deal with the many frantic situations that are apt to crop up. There is a great deal of strength to your emotions that you can use to connect with others and communicate your thoughts in a healthy manner.

Aquarius Daily Horoscope Friday – July 3, 2020
Your heart may experience some wild fluctuations today, Aquarius. It may seem as if your emotions are on a runaway train with no track. If so, the best thing to do is sit by yourself and write. Compose a letter, song, or journal entry. You’ll find that you’re much less confused than you thought. When in doubt, consult someone you love and trust. Go with your instincts.

Pisces Daily Horoscope Friday – July 3, 2020
Suddenly things are coming to a head for you, Pisces. The drama is escalating, and you aren’t sure if you can remember all your lines. Take things one step at a time. Deal with the issues as they come. If you get ahead of yourself, you might be overwhelmed by what you fear will be a more daunting situation than you can handle. Don’t sweat the small stuff.