Daily Horoscope Friday – March 25, 2022

Daily Horoscope Friday – March 25, 2022

Aries Daily Horoscope Friday – March 25, 2022

You may need to check in with how your career is impacting your mental health this morning, dear Aries, as the Capricorn moon squares off with the healing asteroid, Chiron. Whether you’re stressed about the path ahead, unsure how to move forward, or feel lost on your journey, you should look for ways to address these issues without putting too much pressure on yourself. Pleasant surprises will find you this afternoon, thanks to a sweet connection between Luna and Uranus, so be sure to ground and keep your eyes peeled for small blessings while tapping into your gratitude.

Taurus Daily Horoscope Friday – March 25, 2022

Take some time to recommit to your spiritual practices today, dear Taurus, as the moon makes its way through Capricorn. This lunar placement is sure to enrich your day with messages of comfort from beyond the veil, but you’ll need to tap into your intuition to make the most of this cosmic climate. Moments of philosophical brilliance could find you this afternoon when the moon shares a helpful connection to revolutionary Uranus, who is currently camped out in your sign. This is also a great time to let the universe know how it can help you, as blessings are sure to come through in unexpected ways.

Gemini Daily Horoscope Friday – March 25, 2022

You’ll be in an intense mood today, dear Gemini, as the moon continues its way through Capricorn, activating your eighth house. While these vibes can certainly motivate you to move forward on your path, try not to be impatient for the transformation you seek, as these things can take time. Instead of feeling frustrated by the logistics behind your goals, compose a to-do list for yourself, and find comfort in the process of crossing items off it. Thanks to a sweet connection between Luna and revolutionary Uranus, emotional breakthroughs are likely to manifest this afternoon, helping you make peace with your process.

Cancer Daily Horoscope Friday – March 25, 2022

Take a moment to consider whether or not your love life has taken away from your professional focus lately, dear Crab, as the Capricorn moon connects with the healing asteroid, Chiron. This cosmic climate will highlight any imbalances occurring between your romantic and career paths, pushing you to acknowledge and change any issues that have manifested for you recently within these realms. Luckily, a helpful connection between Luna and Uranus this afternoon can help you evolve on such matters, so don’t be afraid to send a flirty text or two. Just make sure to get back to work as soon as you’re done.

Leo Daily Horoscope Friday – March 25, 2022

What you need to be doing and what you want to be doing may be at odds this morning, dear lion, thanks to a harsh connection between the Capricorn moon and the healing asteroid, Chiron. As the weekend inches closer with each hour, it’s only natural that you’d begin to feel antsy for fun, but try not to neglect your responsibilities. Luckily, the vibe will lighten around the office this afternoon, when Luna blows a kiss to unpredictable Uranus. This might be a good time to ask your boss if you can leave early, as they’ll likely be open to the idea of a half-day.

Virgo Daily Horoscope Friday – March 25, 2022

You may feel disconnected from yourself, your style, and your career this morning, dear Virgo, as the Capricorn moon forms a harsh square to the healing asteroid, Chiron. While you’ll undoubtedly be hungry for transformation, you may struggle with embracing it organically, especially if you’re unsure of how to change. While this energy can get a bit funky, try not to feel like you have to define yourself right now, especially if you’re in the process of major life shifts. Luckily, these wonky vibes will dissipate in the afternoon when Luna blows a kiss to revolutionary Uranus, helping you shake off any fog that may have been polluting your psyche.

Libra Daily Horoscope Friday – March 25, 2022

You may feel emotionally closed off today, dear Libra, thanks to a harsh square between the Capricorn moon and the healing asteroid, Chiron. These vibes can create blocks within your relationships, though it may be important that you’re drawing a few lines and making more time for yourself, especially if you don’t typically do so. Luckily, the energy will shift this afternoon when Luna enters a supportive connection to revolutionary Uranus. This cosmic climate is perfect for breaking the ice in your connections, helping you get to the heart of any issues that may have manifested in your partnership while helping you resolve them.

Scorpio Daily Horoscope Friday – March 25, 2022

You may feel restricted in your voice or as though others are listening to you this morning when the Capricorn moon squares off with the healing asteroid, Chiron. While you may feel tempted to assert yourself, it might be better if you plan out your next move behind the scenes, taking steps to analyze your situation thoroughly before acting. Luckily, inspiration will find you this afternoon when the moon blows a kiss to unpredictable Uranus, encouraging you to break the mold. These vibes are perfect for embracing the unconventional, especially if your usual tactics haven’t been working for you recently.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Friday – March 25, 2022

You may feel bogged down by what other people expect from you this morning, dear Archer, thanks to a harsh square between the Capricorn moon and the healing asteroid, Chiron. Luckily, you’ll have an opportunity to mix things up this afternoon when Luna blows a kiss to rebellious Uranus. Use this energy as an excuse to break away from your usual routine, especially if life has felt particularly dull lately. These vibes could also tempt you to get an early start on your weekend. But make sure to complete any important tasks before you clock out, or you could end up putting in extra hours next week.

Capricorn Daily Horoscope Friday – March 25, 2022

You may feel tempted to stay in bed this morning, dear Capricorn, as the moon continues to journey through your sign, forming a harsh connection to the healing asteroid, Chiron. If you can swing a sick day at work, this might be a good time to call in, especially if you rarely put your own needs first. Luckily, you’ll feel more like yourself this afternoon when Luna blows a kiss to revolutionary Uranus, activating the sector of your chart that governs self-expression and fun. Use this energy as an excuse to blow off some steam, especially if you’ve been feeling overworked.

Aquarius Daily Horoscope Friday – March 25, 2022

Watch your words this morning, dear Aquarius, or you could end up saying something you regret. As the Capricorn moon forms a harsh square with the healing asteroid, Chiron, a bluntness could overcome you, causing you to express yourself in ways that seem cold or unfeeling to the people around you. Even if you don’t mean to come across negatively, it may be difficult to avoid if you don’t check in with your voice before speaking it. Luckily, these heavy vibes will dissipate with a flash as the afternoon rolls around, and Luna enters a supportive connection with revolutionary Uranus.

Pisces Daily Horoscope Friday – March 25, 2022

The energy this morning could feel a little intense, dear Fish, thanks to a harsh connection between the Capricorn moon and the healing asteroid, Chiron. You may feel tempted to escape these harsh vibes with a little bit of retail therapy. However, you’ll need to watch your budget if you begin to browse your favorite online stores, or you could end up overspending. You’ll notice a shift this afternoon when Luna blows a kiss to Uranus, helping you shake off any funk that may have manifested earlier. This cosmic climate is also poised to serve your psyche, providing you with flashes of inspiration and moments of personal brilliance.