Daily Horoscope Monday – December 13, 2021

Daily Horoscope Monday – December 13, 2021

Aries Daily Horoscope Monday – December 13, 2021

Today’s astrology is packed with cosmic shifts, as both Mercury and Mars move into a new sign. With Mars as your ruling planet, you’ll feel especially impacted by its move into fiery Sagittarius. These vibes will put you in an optimistic and adventurous mood in the coming weeks, inspiring you to pursue your goals and follow your passions. Meanwhile, Mercury will bring things back down to earth, as the planet of communication sets up camp in pragmatic Capricorn. These planetary placements can help you make strides within your professional and spiritual path, but you’ll need to maintain a healthy balance between work and play.

Taurus Daily Horoscope Monday – December 13, 2021

With the Aries Moon shining brightly in the sector of your chart that rules the subconscious, today will have you analyzing your emotions, thoughts, and behavioral patterns. A desire to change in the new year will put you in a reflective space as you consider how you can move forward in 2022. Luckily, we’ll have two planetary shifts today as Mars moves into Sagittarius and Mercury sets up camp in Capricorn. Don’t feel pressured to transform all at once, but, instead, use this energy to elicit change in the coming weeks. Consider what needs to be removed from your life, and then turn to your spirituality in order to find your path moving forward.

Gemini Daily Horoscope Monday – December 13, 2021

Don’t feel bad if you get a little cutthroat right now, dear Gemini. Your ruling planet, Mercury, moves into Capricorn, putting you in the headspace to set boundaries while getting serious about what is and isn’t working for you. Meanwhile, Venus and Pluto will share a cosmic alliance throughout the day, pushing you to take steps toward nurturing yourself — even if it means letting go of people or situations that aren’t promoting your emotional and mental wellbeing. Letting go isn’t always easy, but today’s cosmic climate asks that you let go of the old, so that you can embrace the new.

Cancer Daily Horoscope Monday – December 13, 2021

With the Aries moon blazing through the sector of your chart that rules career, you’ll feel energized and motivated to take on the new workweek by storm. However, this sentiment doesn’t come without its challenges. Mars enters Sagittarius today, galvanizing your motivation to take care of professional business. At the same time, Mercury’s entrance into Capricorn will raise questions on how your job is affecting your relationships and ability to practice self-care. Be mindful of the balance you keep when it comes to matters of the heart and professional goals. If one aspect is getting in the way of another, you might need to reassess your situation.

Leo Daily Horoscope Monday – December 13, 2021

Big changes are coming to your image and creative life, dear Leo, as Mars makes its way into Sagittarius. This planetary placement will activate the sector of your chart that rules fun and personal expression, permitting you to let loose while getting artsy over the next several weeks. These vibes are great for pursuing passion projects. Thanks to Mercury’s newfound placement in Capricorn, you’ll be able to stay organized within your tasks. Use these vibes to get the ball rolling within your goals, and you will certainly see both creative and personal growth manifest on a significant level.

Virgo Daily Horoscope Monday – December 13, 2021

You’ll experience a major shift within your priorities today, dear Virgo, as Mars moves into fun-loving Sagittarius, and Mercury finds its way into serious Capricorn. You’ll feel Mars’ influence within your home life, as this passionate planet inspires you to mix things up within your domestic surroundings. Meanwhile, Mercury, your ruling planet, will ask you to play with your creative side. With these two planets bringing so much change to the collective, it might be time to redecorate, reorganize, and reassess your interior design choices in the coming weeks. Go ahead and start planning the changes you want to make, and have fun giving your space a facelift!

Libra Daily Horoscope Monday – December 13, 2021

The moon moves through Aries today, freshening up the collective vibe while bringing excitement and passion to your love life. This is the perfect time to flirt with that cutie at work, ask out your crush, or liven things up within your existing relationship. On a personal level, you’ll feel a significant shift, dear Libra, as Mars makes its way into daring Sagittarius. Use the energy from this planetary placement to pursue your goals, as these vibes are perfect for putting action behind your ideas. Mercury enters Capricorn today as well, asking you to get organized at home.

Scorpio Daily Horoscope Monday – December 13, 2021

Today will feel high energy for you, dear Scorpio, thanks to the moon’s placement in Aries and two planetary shifts. Mars, your ruling planet, will begin its journey through adventurous Sagittarius, bringing the focus to your bank account. There’s potential to see significant growth within your finances over the next several weeks, but you’ll need to take a proactive approach toward your monetary goals. Mercury, the planet of communication, will enter Capricorn, highlighting the sector of your chart that rules learning and communication. Now would be the time to get organized, especially when it comes to your personal notes, files, inbox, or book collection.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Monday – December 13, 2021

Don’t feel bad about strutting your stuff and letting your ego out to play today, as the Aries moon illuminates the sector of your chart that rules personal expression. You’ll feel a rush of energy and motivation as well when passionate Mars moves into your sign. This planetary placement is all about putting yourself first and working tirelessly toward your goals, which you should focus on heavily in the coming weeks. You’ll notice a second shift when Mercury moves into Capricorn, asking you to review your budget and spending habits. Try to put some extra money in your savings account over the next several weeks, and do your best to make smart investments.

Capricorn Daily Horoscope Monday – December 13, 2021

Take some time to focus on domestic chores and projects, as the Aries moon activates the sector of your chart that rules the home. Even if your to-do list has piled up, you should be able to knock out your tasks fairly quickly—and your mood will become lighter because of it. Mars, the action planet, enters Sagittarius today while triggering your twelfth house. Pay attention to your behaviors over the next several weeks, and try to be mindful that you’re not repeating unhealthy patterns simply because it’s what you’re used to. Mercury, the planet of communication, enters your sign today, encouraging you to use your voice and assert yourself in the coming weeks.

Aquarius Daily Horoscope Monday – December 13, 2021

If there are any conversations you’ve been avoiding or putting off, now would be the time to initiate them. The Aries moon wants you to embrace your bravery, especially when it comes to social exchanges and important discussions. Meanwhile, Mercury, the planet of communication, moves into Capricorn, triggering the sector of your chart that rules the subconscious. Your mind will be in an introspective place in the coming weeks, but you can count on the fact that anything you need to say right now comes from a deep place. Even though this planetary placement will have you going internal, be mindful that you’re not closing off or putting up unnecessary walls.

Pisces Daily Horoscope Monday – December 13, 2021

It’s okay if you want to treat yourself today, dear Pisces, as the Aries moon burns a hole in your pocket while activating the sector of your chart that rules money. Though you’ll likely find yourself in the mood to shop, avoid impulsive purchases and make sure you stick to a reasonable budget. Luckily, your career is likely to see a boost in the coming weeks, as Mars moves into Sagittarius today. You’ll also feel a shift as Mercury enters Capricorn, asking you to immerse yourself and your mind in local affairs. If you’ve been wanting to get involved in your community through public outreach or even from taking a class nearby, now would be the time to take steps in that direction.