Daily Horoscope Saturday – February 5, 2022

Daily Horoscope Saturday – February 5, 2022

Aries Daily Horoscope Saturday – February 5, 2022

You should plan on sleeping in today, dear Ram, as the Aries Moon squares off with sweet Venus this morning. It’s likely that you squared a sleep debt over the workweek, which could catch up to you if you don’t take time to recharge your batteries fully. Try to set healthy boundaries with your friends and family this afternoon when Luna blows a kiss to Saturn so that you can stay focused on important tasks and responsibilities. Meanwhile, a helpful connection between Pluto and the nodes of fate will bring change to your fortunes, helping you make smart financial decisions.

Taurus Daily Horoscope Saturday – February 5, 2022

Pay no mind to any bad dreams you may have experienced last night, as it’s likely the result of Luna’s square to Venus this morning and not an omen from beyond the veil. You may feel more irritable than usual, but try not to take these internal frustrations out on your nearest and dearest. You’ll begin to receive guidance from the universe this afternoon when the nodes of fate connect with transformative Pluto. Pay attention to your feelings over the next several days, as they will give you important information on how you should proceed with your life, especially when it comes to matters of the heart.

Gemini Daily Horoscope Saturday – February 5, 2022

Try not to let other people’s jealousy drag you down right now, dear Gemini, even if they’re spreading misinformation about you. Take heart in the fact that your friends will be able to see through any lies that stem from the mouths of your haters and that these tales only reflect poorly on the people who fabricate them. Luckily, the winds of luck will shift in your favor this afternoon when Luna shares a sweet connection to serious Saturn. Your allies will rally around you during this time, coming to your defense, and a nice dose of karma will be served to your enemies as well.

Cancer Daily Horoscope Saturday – February 5, 2022

Try not to let work get in the way of your relaxing weekend, dear crab, as the Aries moon forms an unpleasant aspect to Venus in the AM. Do your best to avoid work-related texts, calls, or emails right now, or you could end up in hot water with your friends or significant other. Luckily, relaxing will come more easily this afternoon when the nodes of fate connect with Pluto. This cosmic climate will help you make a name for yourself in the community over the next several days, but you’ll need to be comfortable with tapping into your personal power.

Leo Daily Horoscope Saturday – February 5, 2022

Try not to let pessimism interfere with your ability to find joy this morning, dear Leo, as the Aries moon squares off with Venus. Your intuition could also take a hit during this time, especially if you’re unwilling to believe that the universe wants to guide you. Luckily, these vibes will break up as the afternoon rolls in, and the moon shares sweet connections to Saturn and the sun. This cosmic climate will help you reconnect with your gratitude, opening your third eye while filling your heart with love once more. Before the day comes to a close, try to do a little candle magic, as the universe will be eager to grant your wishes.

Virgo Daily Horoscope Saturday – February 5, 2022

You may feel unhappy with your image this morning, dear Virgo, as the Aries moon forms a harsh aspect to aesthetic-oriented Venus. Try not to be too hard on yourself, and don’t feel guilty if you decide to stay in bed later than usual. Luckily, you’ll feel more like your fabulous and confident self this afternoon when Luna shares a sweet connection to the sun. These vibes will give you the cosmic support you need to transform back into the version of yourself that you’re most proud of, though you may even pick up a few improvements along the way.

Libra Daily Horoscope Saturday – February 5, 2022

Don’t feel guilty about kicking bae out of bed early this morning, dear Libra, especially if you’re craving your own space. The cosmic winds blowing will also remind you of how important self-care is, especially if it’s been a minute since you’ve really taken care of yourself. Vow to spend the first part of the day recovering from the long workweek, but resolve to meet up with your friends and sweetheart this afternoon when the vibe is a bit more friendly. Tonight, the Aries moon will light a fire in the sector of your chart that governs matters of the heart, making it the perfect time to reconnect with romance.

Scorpio Daily Horoscope Saturday – February 5, 2022

Try not to give too much of your mind or energy to others today, sweet Scorpion, or you could end up burnt out with nothing left over for yourself. Prioritizing your health should be a priority right now, as your ruling planet, Mars, squares off with the healing asteroid, Chiron. These vibes could also make you feel especially flustered if your space has fallen into disarray, which is all the more reason to take a time out so that you can whip your place back into shape. Just try not to put too much pressure on yourself to handle everything at once, and remember to take your time.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Saturday – February 5, 2022

Try not to overspend this morning, dear archer, as the Aries moon squares off with Venus in the AM, which might inspire impulsive online shopping. These vibes could also leave you feeling heavy in your muscles, so don’t feel guilty if you decide to spend the first part of the day in bed. You’ll be called to guide a friend this afternoon when Luna connects with pragmatic Saturn, allowing you to bestow wise and helpful advice. Connecting with your BFFs will also lift your spirits, though you’ll need to make sure you’re only surrounding yourself with positive people with whom you share mutual respect.

Capricorn Daily Horoscope Saturday – February 5, 2022

If you’ve been nurturing others before yourself recently, it will catch up to you, thanks to a harsh connection between Venus and the healing asteroid, Chiron. The Aries moon will also square off with harmonizing Venus this morning, which could trigger an emotional meltdown if you’re feeling particularly depleted. Luckily, this energy will break up by afternoon when Luna sends support to your ruling planet, Saturn. Use this energy to reconnect with the material realms, finding luxury in the world around you. This might also be a good time to schedule a massage, so don’t feel guilty about indulging yourself!

Aquarius Daily Horoscope Saturday – February 5, 2022

Your wit will be quick this morning, dear Aquarius, but that doesn’t mean it’ll be nice, as the Aries moon enters a harsh connection to sweet Venus. These vibes could inadvertently bring out a mean streak within you, but try not to speak with venom on your tongue. Luckily, you’ll feel much more collected this afternoon when the moon enters a supportive connection to stabilizing Saturn and the sun. If you need to apologize for your words in the AM, now would be a good time to do so. Just make sure you’re taking accountability for your actions in the process.

Pisces Daily Horoscope Saturday – February 5, 2022

Try not to analyze or criticize the spending habits of your friends today, dear Pisces, as the Aries moon forms a harsh aspect to Venus. These vibes could also put you in a competitive headspace, especially where finances are concerned, but try not to overspend to show that you have money. Luckily, the vibe will even out this afternoon when Luna shares a supportive stream of energy with Saturn and the sun. You’ll feel more grounded and practical under this comic climate, helping you to feel secure within yourself — no matter how much money you or anyone around you makes.