Daily Horoscope Saturday – July 16, 2022

Daily Horoscope Saturday – July 16, 2022

Aries Daily Horoscope Saturday – July 16, 2022

The moon enters Pisces early this morning, dear Aries, opening the door to prophetic dreams and psychic premonitions. This cosmic climate will ask you to quiet down right now, so you can truly listen for any messages or moments of enlightenment that hope to find you. Your financial intuition will receive some support later in the afternoon, making it a good time to analyze your investments and spending. A quiet evening at home will bring even more clarity to your psyche as the sun and Mercury connect with visionary Neptune, allowing you to heal and make sense of your emotions.

Taurus Daily Horoscope Saturday – July 16, 2022

You’ll feel particularly grateful for your friends and loved ones today, dear Taurus, as the moon enters sensitive Pisces and the sector of your chart that governs community. Use this energy to catch up with your nearest and dearest, taking care to cheer one another on later in the afternoon when Luna blows a kiss to passionate Mars. These vibes are perfect for motivating action, though you may need some moral support to get the ball rolling. Meanwhile, the sun and Mercury align in Cancer, helping you change your perspective while coming up with new ideas, so be sure to spend some time journaling.

Gemini Daily Horoscope Saturday – July 16, 2022

You’ll feel motivated to make a positive change within your career path today, dear Gemini, as the moon enters Pisces and your solar tenth house. Use these vibes to lay the foundations for your next big occupational move, as ideas will flow freely without losing structure. A connection between Luna and Mars will trigger a fire within you later in the afternoon, making it a great time to focus on your passions. Meanwhile, a stream of positive aspects between the sun, Mercury, and Neptune will help you turn your dreams into reality, as long as you’re patient and continue to work steadily toward these goals.

Cancer Daily Horoscope Saturday – July 16, 2022

You’ll be blessed with a sharp wit and strong sense of self today, sweet Crab, as the sun and Mercury hold hands under your sign. Use this energy to further your agenda, promoting your ideas and informing others of what services or special skills you have to offer. Meanwhile, the Pisces moon shares a sweet connection to passionate Mars later in the afternoon, bringing through fated encounters and a bit of extra support from beyond the veil. Plan on setting aside some extra time for meditation, stretching, and self-care tonight as the stars align to bring you peace, healing, and spiritual fulfillment.

Leo Daily Horoscope Saturday – July 16, 2022

You’ll be in a cool and collected headspace today, dear Leo, as the moon enters Pisces and your solar eighth house. These vibes will inspire you to take a step back, creating a space from which you can analyze your surroundings more clearly. Meanwhile, a cosmic alliance between the Cancer sun and Mercury will bring new information to your psyche, helping you piece together information that may have been missing details in the past. This celestial dance could also trigger personal epiphanies, helping you break away from toxic patterns or relationships that haven’t been contributing to your highest path.

Virgo Daily Horoscope Saturday – July 16, 2022

You’ll wake up with an open heart and a world full of beauty today, sweet Virgo, as the moon enters Pisces and the sector of your chart that governs love. Even though certain aspects of life and society may bring you down, this cosmic climate will encourage you to put on your rose-colored glasses, if only temporarily. Luckily, good news will seem to land in your lap, thanks to a cosmic alliance between the Cancer sun and communicative Mercury. A helping hand from dreamy Neptune may also bring some romance into your sphere, making it a good time to connect with someone special.

Libra Daily Horoscope Saturday – July 16, 2022

The universe will ask you to release any emotional or mental stress that has been negatively impacting your body, dear Libra, as the moon enters Pisces and the sector of your chart that governs wellness. Use this energy to take a holistic approach to your health, removing any foods, habits, or people you know aren’t good for you. On a professional level, you’ll have a chance to make headway within your career as the sun and Mercury share a sweet connection with visionary Neptune. Be sure to share your ideas around the office right now, as even the smallest steps will add up to major strides.

Scorpio Daily Horoscope Saturday – July 16, 2022

You should wake up feeling at peace with yourself today, dear Scorpio, as the moon enters Pisces and the sector of your chart that governs ego. Finding a creative outlet can help boost your confidence, allowing you to express your most private emotions without having to use words. Meanwhile, a sweet connection between the sun, Mercury, and Neptune will open you up to divine inspiration, allowing you to collaborate with the other side on any passion projects or artistic endeavors you decide to take on. A passionate energy will find you later in the afternoon when Luna blows a kiss to Mars, making it a great time to send your sweetie a steamy text.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Saturday – July 16, 2022

You’ll feel most comfortable and peaceful at home today, dear Sagittarius, as the moon enters sensitive Pisces and the sector of your chart that governs domestic bliss. Meanwhile, a sweet connection between the Cancer sun, Mercury, and Neptune will accentuate these sentiments, as the universe encourages you to release any emotional baggage you’ve been carrying. These vibes are perfect for performing a house cleansing, though a Himalayan salt bath can bring the same benefits to your aura. You may have been carrying the emotions of others, causing your energy levels to falter over the last several days. Take space to unwind right now, so you can relax and recharge without the burdens of others.

Capricorn Daily Horoscope Saturday – July 16, 2022

Connecting with others will come easily today, dear Capricorn, as the moon enters Pisces and the sector of your chart that governs communication. This luminary placement will give you an opportunity to scratch below the surface during your interactions, making it the ideal time to get to know someone better. Meanwhile, a sweet stream of energy flowing between the sun, Mercury, and Neptune will bring a dreamy vibe to the table, which will be particularly handy when it comes to flirting and nurturing your love life. Just remember to show yourself some TLC with positive mantras and optimistic thinking.

Aquarius Daily Horoscope Saturday – July 16, 2022

Give yourself permission to move slowly today, dear Aquarius, as the moon enters Pisces and your solar second house. This luminary placement will also give you a cosmic green light to indulge in a little bit of retail therapy, especially if it’s been a while since you spoiled yourself. Good vibes will continue to flow as the sun and Mercury align in the sky, blowing a kiss to ethereal Neptune. An ability to notice beauty within the smallest details will elevate your visionary eye, making it a great time to redesign your wardrobe, work on a creative project, or simply enjoy living in the moment.

Pisces Daily Horoscope Saturday – July 16, 2022

The moon enters your sign today, dear Pisces, elevating your aura while stacking the cosmic odds in your favor. Use this energy wisely by directing your focus toward the projects, people, and goals that are most important to you. You’ll be asked to put action behind your words this afternoon when the moon blows a kiss to passionate Mars. These vibes are also ideal for bringing your visions into the waking world, as the sun, Mercury, and Neptune all conspire in the sky. Don’t be afraid to put yourself and your work out there right now, as you’re likely to gain the recognition you deserve.