Daily Horoscope Tuesday – Mar 3, 2020

Daily Horoscope Tuesday – Mar 3, 2020

Aries Daily Horoscope Tuesday – Mar 3, 2020
You may feel some indignation with an authority figure today as Venus in your sign makes a difficult square to Saturn in disciplined Capricorn. You’re eager to chase your desires and may become frustrated if you feel held back by someone else’s rules and restrictions. Instead of expressing your feelings with anger, try channeling this energy into productivity. The tiniest of steps can bring you closer to your aspirations, so think about the structure of your plans and go for some low-hanging fruit now. Every little bit helps!

Taurus Daily Horoscope Tuesday – Mar 3, 2020
Even small actions can carry broader, deeper meanings now. As desirous Venus in your 12th House of Subconscious makes a tense square to Saturn in your 9th House of Expansion, you could realize some limitations that are preventing you from healing and growth. Are your personal beliefs hindering your view? Even if you can’t clear the way entirely today, taking a symbolic action toward who you ultimately want to become makes a statement that helps strengthen your faith for the future. Get things moving with meaningful action, no matter how minor they are.

Gemini Daily Horoscope Tuesday – Mar 3, 2020
You may run into a bit of difficulty today within your friendship circle, team, or another group you are a part of. Venus in your social 11th house is making a challenging square to Saturn in your 8th House of Shared Resources, and it seems like everyone has a different opinion about how to approach a common venture. With the Moon spending most of the day in your cerebral sign, you have a million ideas about it all, too, but it may not be the best time to share them. Hold on to them for a calmer day and use this moment to take necessary, practical actions that will show progress.

Cancer Daily Horoscope Tuesday – Mar 3, 2020
An important relationship may feel some tension today due to your public image or career as Venus in your 10th House of Status makes a tense square to Saturn in your 7th House of Partnerships. Perhaps extra responsibilities at work have taken time away from your romantic relationship, or maybe a recent raise or promotion has left a business partner feeling overshadowed. You may not have even realized these feelings were occurring until now. Before you turn things upside down trying to correct them, though, spend a few moments to yourself to steady your mind and find some clarity. You’ll know how to balance things out.

Leo Daily Horoscope Tuesday – Mar 3, 2020
A project or task that recently became part of your daily routine may hit a snag today as Venus in your 9th House of Expansion makes a challenging square to Saturn in your 6th House of Work and Daily Life. The answers lie in the big picture now. In order to overcome this obstacle, you may need to learn a new skill or even take a trip away to open your mind to new perspectives and methods. While the Moon spends most of the day in your social 11th house, you could get the support you need by talking things out with your friends. Be open to their viewpoints.

Virgo Daily Horoscope Tuesday – Mar 3, 2020
The things you need from others are in the spotlight today as Venus in your 8th House of Shared Resources forms a tough square to realistic Saturn in your 5th House of Love and Creativity. You may need to ask someone to help you with their time or effort now, or maybe you’re asking for something more complicated, like applying for a loan. Reach out to your loved ones for assistance but find your financial support elsewhere; love and money don’t mix. Don’t be discouraged by asking for help — many hands make light work.

Libra Daily Horoscope Tuesday – Mar 3, 2020
A stressful situation at home could drive a wedge through an important relationship today. You may be experiencing tension with relatives or delays on a home project that are causing both you and your partner to lose your cool. Instead of trying to force something you can’t control, use this opportunity to channel your energy elsewhere. Immersing yourself in learning something new or researching a vacation you’ve been dreaming about will make you feel productive and inspired. Balance is an ever-evolving process. Energies at home will realign; this is time to explore other rich possibilities.

Scorpio Daily Horoscope Tuesday – Mar 3, 2020
Your suspicions are piqued today as something in your daily life just feels “off.” You have a strong intuition, Scorpio — use your natural-born inquisitive skills to investigate what’s going on. If you discover there’s actually nothing happening, then it’s your responsibility to let go of your skepticism and not continue to direct it at others. If something really is going on, though, call on a reliable sibling or other trusted relative that can help you process this. In the end, it may be best to just let things sit awhile and see what happens … if anything.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Tuesday – Mar 3, 2020
There’s a price to pay for pleasure today as Venus in your 5th House of Fun forms a tense square with Saturn in your 2nd House of Finances. It’s possible your spark of passion has been stifled by your financial situation, making you feel left out, like you can’t experience the joy you yearn for. Shift your perspective and use your desire to motivate you to improve your financial situation. While you work toward your goal, there are plenty of ways to have fun for free — just look around you!

Capricorn Daily Horoscope Tuesday – Mar 3, 2020
You know just what you need to do today and you’re eager to start checking important responsibilities off your list. However, there’s some stress happening between your personal agenda and the needs of your loved ones. If you’ve been neglecting things at home in favor of your own projects and timelines, it’ll be apparent now. This isn’t an all-or-nothing issue, it’s an issue of balance. You can still feel productive by accomplishing a few tasks, then devoting yourself to your home and family. You’re nothing if not committed and today it’s just about shifting the focus of that commitment. Your time will come again.

Aquarius Daily Horoscope Tuesday – Mar 3, 2020
There may be some conflict today between what your soul believes and what you experience in your immediate life. While Venus in your 3rd House of Ideas forms a stressful square with restrictive Saturn in your spiritual 12th house, don’t let old, outmoded assumptions blind you from seeing fresh perspectives. Just because you’ve always seen something a certain way doesn’t mean it’s the best way. Conversations with others now could provide new information that gets you thinking differently. Open your mind and a world of creative possibilities will emerge before you.

Pisces Daily Horoscope Tuesday – Mar 3, 2020
What you want and what the group wants may be at odds right now. Venus in your 2nd House of Worth creates a difficult square to rigid Saturn in your 11th House of Friends and Networking today and you may feel kept from your desires. If your friends are overriding you or your financial situation doesnt seem to support your hopes and dreams, though, there is something you can do about it. Choose creative action over stagnation. With the Moon in idea-driven Gemini most of the day, brainstorming solutions at home could inspire a new reality. You can have it your way.