Daily Love Horoscope Friday – August 28, 2020

Daily Love Horoscope Friday – August 28, 2020

Aries Daily Love Horoscope Friday – August 28, 2020
Today is one in which the whole world of imagination and fantasy are important. The day’s planetary configuration indicates that you have access to the world of powerful images. How you use these is up to you. Positive images can get your love life off to a whole new start, and negative ones can make things worse. How are your thoughts making things better or worse between you?

Taurus Daily Love Horoscope Friday – August 28, 2020
Don’t let the energy of today make you promise more than you can possibly give. There is a tendency, with the current planetary configuration, to overextend yourself in some way. You and your partner may have agreed to get a certain situation sorted out, but you will only make it worse if you make a halfhearted attempt. Do what you must and have fun.

Gemini Daily Love Horoscope Friday – August 28, 2020
It may be somewhat difficult to keep your usual grip on reality today, with the current planetary energy at play. You have quite a choice of things you can do together, but with the way things are going, you may end up not going anywhere. It may be difficult to make up your mind, and to decide on something definite. Alternatively, you could allow yourselves to be surprised.

Cancer Daily Love Horoscope Friday – August 28, 2020
You usually have a clear view of what is happening in your life. You have a more detached perspective that keeps you above the torrid sea of emotions in which many others become totally immersed. Today’s planetary configuration keeps you happily engaged in rediscovering the meaning of romance. You will abandon yourself to a day of passion and sweet nothings, and you will enjoy it!

Leo Daily Love Horoscope Friday – August 28, 2020
The current planetary configuration enables you to lose yourself in thoughts of your loved one. You may find yourself remembering certain times you had together and thinking about the times that are still to come. But it may be more fun to actually get together and go somewhere romantic. Stream a good movie or stroll somewhere beautiful. Why imagine when you can have the real thing?

Virgo Daily Love Horoscope Friday – August 28, 2020
Can you believe everything you hear, or do you need to check your facts first? The day’s planetary configuration indicates that issues seem confused. Either you or your loved one feels something is not quite right, but you can’t tell what it is. At the moment talking may confuse things even further. Allow the day to mellow, and a sense of clarity may appear.

Libra Daily Love Horoscope Friday – August 28, 2020
There is quite an intense energy in the air. The day’s planetary configuration indicates that the subtle fantasies you may be entertaining concerning someone close, or whom you would like to become close to, may have a profound effect upon you today. An idea may stir you into action, and no matter what the reality of the situation may be, you decide to make a significant move.

Scorpio Daily Love Horoscope Friday – August 28, 2020
Some celestial aspects have it, and some don’t. Today’s planetary configuration may promise you the world, but make sure you sign a guarantee before giving your heart away. This could be a wonderful opportunity for romance, arousing feelings you have not experienced for a while. Alternatively, you may find the whole experience disappointing. Choose your conversation carefully in order to discover what you may be getting into.

Sagittarius Daily Love Horoscope Friday – August 28, 2020
Could this pass like a ship in the night, or is it the real thing? The day’s planetary configuration indicates that it is a good idea to look carefully at any offers before making major decisions. It could turn out to be anything from the romance of the century to simply a wonderful friendship. Don’t end up being disappointed – take some time to get really acquainted.

Capricorn Daily Love Horoscope Friday – August 28, 2020
You like to know where you stand in most situations. Either you are in command, or you have ways of showing your disapproval. With today’s planetary configuration, everything seems a little confused, like shadows in the night. You cannot second-guess what your loved one is thinking, and you will just need to be patient and wait until you get a clearer perspective.

Aquarius Daily Love Horoscope Friday – August 28, 2020
There are certain days when life falls into place in the meticulously organized way you expect. Today’s planetary configuration may bring a touch of chaos to your love life. You may not be sure where either of you stand on an issue that is particularly important. Thinking about it won’t help, either. You will have to learn from similar instances in the past and use your intuition.

Pisces Daily Love Horoscope Friday – August 28, 2020
This is a good time to visit online galleries and art exhibitions, or perhaps rent a fabulous movie with that special person. The day’s planetary configuration brings all kinds of creative opportunities to the day. People from your past may also figure prominently and contribute significantly to the day’s enjoyment. It is a time to do things together that inspire you and your plans for the future.