Daily Love Horoscope Friday – February 12, 2021

Daily Love Horoscope Friday – February 12, 2021

Aries Daily Love Horoscope Friday – February 12, 2021
Emotions may peak today. It is no good trying to hold onto a certain opinion, especially if it is part of a highly charged issue. You really need to let go and help heal the situation by talking honestly about how you feel. There is no need to fear that this will end up making things worse; it can only make things infinitely better.

Taurus Daily Love Horoscope Friday – February 12, 2021
Issues appear too sensitive and sentimental for your liking today. You don’t like to investigate these kinds of matters too deeply for fear of what you might find out, or even worse, what you may have to admit to. You may be able to rationalize your feelings to an extent, but you won’t be able to eradicate them altogether.

Gemini Daily Love Horoscope Friday – February 12, 2021
If you have been silently pursuing someone special, then you may find that you make some measurable progress today in getting to know them. The astral energy makes you more determined than ever to push aside your inhibitions and find some way into their heart. But at the same time, don’t force the issue; otherwise you may put them off. Go at it gently.

Cancer Daily Love Horoscope Friday – February 12, 2021
Things could get too passionate even for you today. If you are going out on a date, don’t succumb to the intense nature of the person that you are with if you don’t feel ready to do so. There could be some manipulation going on. However, if you are happy with their declarations of love, enjoy them!

Leo Daily Love Horoscope Friday – February 12, 2021
You may decide to take the plunge as far as someone special is concerned. The astral energy makes you eager to show them just how deeply you care. Whatever it takes to get the message across, you will feel inclined to try. Even though you are usually fairly modest and reserved, you will feel inspired to go that extra mile to make yourself heard and understood.

Virgo Daily Love Horoscope Friday – February 12, 2021
You may feel a touch limited or restricted by the attitude of a loved one today. This, though, may not be such a bad thing, as you may also have been harboring one or two unrealistic expectations recently that just haven’t materialized. Realizing this may be a little painful, but it can also be very liberating when you can accept your life as it is.

Libra Daily Love Horoscope Friday – February 12, 2021
The current planetary aspect may help you to channel your powerful emotional energies in a positive direction. If you have been looking for someone special with whom you can share all your secrets, hopes, and fears, you may be lucky. Although the relationship may start off fairly low key, you will both realize very quickly just how much comfort and assurance you are able to give to each other.

Scorpio Daily Love Horoscope Friday – February 12, 2021
Don’t be too worried if a loved one seems less fiery or spirited, and altogether more subdued than usual. The current planetary aspect encourages you both to be more realistic in assessing what you both want from your relationship, and also what you can both attain. It doesn’t hurt to just spend time not doing anything in particular, but just enjoying the feeling of being together.

Sagittarius Daily Love Horoscope Friday – February 12, 2021
The current planetary aspect may give you such a deep-seated sense of security that you have no problem in expressing delicate feelings to your partner (current or prospective). You finally understand that they are not around to get at you, or to make you feel bad for not being perfect, but that they really do want to love and support you. Give your sweetie a chance to show you how healing total acceptance can be.

Capricorn Daily Love Horoscope Friday – February 12, 2021
You often find that in order for your most cherished relationships to succeed, you need to search your heart and then talk about how you feel. You often try and delay this essential process, but may not be able to today. If you have the courage to express what you are now experiencing, a lot of minor issues will clear up very quickly.

Aquarius Daily Love Horoscope Friday – February 12, 2021
The current planetary aspect makes this a very special day for you. You don’t really need to do anything much, just invite your partner (current or prospective) over and do something that makes you feel really good. Anything that grounds and deepens the sharing and communication process between you both will have a powerful impact. In the act of giving and receiving, you create a continuous circle of love.

Pisces Daily Love Horoscope Friday – February 12, 2021
This is a very powerful time to understand where your boundaries lie in your current relationship. This doesn’t need to be a negative process, and can actually be quite positive. You may have been limiting yourself, or actually have been under adventurous. Knowing each other more completely will enable you to find the correct balance, and enjoy a more harmonious partnership.