Daily Love Horoscope Wednesday – March 17, 2021

Aries Daily Love Horoscope Wednesday – March 17, 2021
You are not sure whether to go for it today or not, especially with today’s planetary alignment. You know that the person in question holds a deep fascination for you, and the thought of being close to them makes you melt. Yet something, some minor detail that you can’t quite put your finger on is holding you back. You need to decide one way or the other.
Taurus Daily Love Horoscope Wednesday – March 17, 2021
The astral configuration means that things may not go quite as planned when it comes to your love life today. You may have had certain ideas or even a date arranged, yet it will not turn out as you imagined. Events may happen as if out of the blue, but may in fact lead to a more positive and exciting relationship. Be prepared to go with the flow.
The position of the planets creates a slightly stubborn attitude of mind may prevent you from seeing the best in your love interest today. Talking would probably help, as you both need to share your feelings and see if you can get to the root of the problem. But what may be even better is getting out and doing something radically different and really exciting. Go for it!
Cancer Daily Love Horoscope Wednesday – March 17, 2021
You don’t have to pretend that everything is OK today. What won’t really help right now, with the current planetary transits, is either sulking, or your other habit of hiding behind your shell, because you don’t really know how to overcome the problem. What may be the more constructive approach could be to find a more radical perspective, one that offers a hopeful outcome, and then act upon it.
Leo Daily Love Horoscope Wednesday – March 17, 2021
With today’s celestial atmosphere your partner (current or prospective) may seem like acting out of character today, or perhaps you get to see a side to their personality that you hadn’t previously noticed. Rather than being a problem, though, this could actually be quite exciting, as it could be a discovery that leads to a whole new range of interests or activities that you can do together.
Virgo Daily Love Horoscope Wednesday – March 17, 2021
You dislike confusion at the best of times, so today’s planetary alignment may mean that you have quite a task in trying to decide just what is what as far as someone special is concerned. But don’t allow this to get in the way of actually having a great time if you are going out on a date. You may not understand them, but you can still have fun!
Libra Daily Love Horoscope Wednesday – March 17, 2021
The position of the planets encourages the impressionist in you to make a bold appearance. If you are dating someone for the first time, then take time to dress in style, but make sure that you are surrounded by an aura of mystery. You don’t want to give all your secrets away immediately, so play the mysterious stranger to your heart’s content. Flirt, seduce, tease, and above all, have fun!
It doesn’t hurt to keep someone guessing, and this is a game that you are especially good at. The astral configuration heightens your ability to keep the ball in your court by encouraging you to communicate enough to keep this person hanging on, yet not enough to really let them in on some of your deeper feelings or even your darker secrets. Today you enjoy playing cat and mouse!
Sagittarius Daily Love Horoscope Wednesday – March 17, 2021
The alignment of the planets may seem to cloud a certain issue, but in doing so it may clarify another. Your feelings may be all over the place, yet you feel curiously free. Images and fantasies play at the edges of your mind, but these beckon you to make a decision that you would normally find difficult. You will step over a very inviting line and feel glad!
Capricorn Daily Love Horoscope Wednesday – March 17, 2021
You may find yourself haunted by a persistent idea, or – dare it be known – an actual fantasy. The celestial atmosphere today brings heaven to earth, if you can find time to allow this to happen. Whatever has come to pass in your love life recently, you can make a fresh beginning today by listening to the subtle voice that bids you to be different. So take another, more interesting path.
Aquarius Daily Love Horoscope Wednesday – March 17, 2021
The planetary transits encourage you to boldly go where you have never been before. If the face of a certain person has been having that haunting effect on you, then perhaps it is time to do something about this. But the approach right now is to be subtle yet persistent, and not too overwhelming. This will intrigue the object of your desire no end, and have them eating out of your hand.
Pisces Daily Love Horoscope Wednesday – March 17, 2021
You will want to go forward, but may end up going backward. You could desire to state exactly how you feel, yet give away not a single secret, though you ramble on about love for hours. The alignment of the planets makes everything about your romantic life blurred and indistinct, yet provocatively hopeful. Don’t give up, as this could be one of your most entertaining evenings for some time!