Daily Tarotscopes – August 14, 2024

Daily Tarotscopes – August 14, 2024

Check your daily tarotscope to figure out what is anticipated for you involving soothsaying and numerology for Wednesday, August 14, 2024 by zodiac sign.


Tarot card: Ten of Wands, reversed

It may be time to reassess your perspective, situation, and responsibilities, Aries. You may be taking on more than you can carry and slowly becoming burnt out.

During this time, the most productive thing you can do may be to be wise about what you say yes to and prioritize what is most important. You are capable of so much, including living a life you love, but operating in an unsustainable way may hinder you.


Tarot card: King of Swords

You are ready to face anything life throws at you, Taurus. Through life’s challenges and successes, you are growing through it all and becoming stronger due to each experience.

This is a great time to stand in the lessons you have learned, your beliefs and strengths, and, as a result, have people pay attention to what you say. Leading with deep conviction will help you gain a commanding presence.


Tarot card: King of Cups

Keep your eyes on the prize, Gemini. Many things may attempt to command your attention, but remembering your vision and what you are fighting for will help you bring your goals to fruition. Your vision of what you do and don’t want will lead you to success.


Tarot card: Seven of Cups, reversed

You may be feeling indecisive and overridden by emotion, Cancer. This is a great time to fully process your feelings so that you might gain clarity and take things slow. If you are presented with many choices and unsure of which to embark on, consider each one carefully and be mindful of deceptive allures. Getting grounded in your goals and desires helps the way to go become clear.

Remember, Cancer eventually leads you to where you need to be. Even if you check out a route and find out it isn’t for you, it is still purposeful and something you learned from. Reducing the pressure off yourself here may be essential.


Tarot card: The Tower, reversed

While the things around you may be in chaos, this is a great time to cultivate inner peace and stability, Leo. You may not be able to control the factors of the external world, but you are welcome to seize what is in your hands.

Wherever you are, you are met with the beautiful opportunity to cultivate wholeness and calmness within yourself. You may have to release unhealthy habits or lifestyle choices to do so. Remember, what you must say goodbye to to gain more isn’t a loss.


Tarot card: The Chariot

Life comes in waves, and you are riding the wave of success, Virgo! This is a great time to soak up the blessings around you and a state of victory and notice what helped you get here.

Was it certain choices, a mindset or hard work that assisted you in your arrival? This is a prime time to soak up the thrill of life and reflect.


Tarot card: Eight of Cups

Knowing what you don’t want and saying goodbye to what isn’t good for you can be just as crucial as figuring out what you do. Some experiences can feel like dead-ends because they result in a “no” of “I don’t like this” or “I don’t want that.” Before feeling downcast because your desire for success hasn’t been met yet, understand that this, too, can be a crucial piece.

Rejection is redirection, and you can learn from all your experiences. This makes it a wonderful time to reflect on what isn’t serving you and what you might be able to learn from your experiences.


Tarot card: The Sun

Embracing the beautiful things in life, like love, faith, play, and things you used to love as a child, can lead you to thrive, Scorpio.

This is a great time to continue to focus on the good. The sun is shining on you, and you are naturally set in the direction to flourish. Bright, warm days are ahead!


Tarot card: Queen of Wands

You are beautiful, both inside and out, Sagittarius. Doubts or critical words from others can cause you to question your abilities or worth, but as you press in faith and love for yourself, you find that all those harsh words spoken were lies.

You are gaining courage and conviction. As you get to know yourself better and develop your strengths, you are walking powerfully and inspiring others while doing so. This is a great time to recognize your uniqueness and appreciate who you are and your growth.


Tarot card: Nine of Wands

It is a wonderful time to plan ahead for the things you can foresee, Capricorn. You are welcome to remember the things you can easily forget in the busyness of life, like birthdays and holidays, and what must be done in preparation for them.

You also can set “appointments” for self-care, like prioritizing rest when you know you’ll need it at the end of the week or planning lunch dates to fill up your social cup. Overall, this is the time to do the little things you can to set yourself up for success and get ahead.


Tarot card: Queen of Cups

Your accomplishments in life are not limited to the success you solely have but the success you inspire in others’ lives. You may do this by seeing potential in others and speaking it over them, encouraging them to see and walk in them, too.

Or through living your life with courage and, by doing so, inspiring others to do the same. Overall, you realize you aren’t in competition with anyone else, but their wins can be your wins, too, Aquarius.


Tarot card: Temperance

Maintaining balance in life can take time, effort, and reflection, Pisces. The key may be to stay aware of your needs and overall state and say yes and no to things accordingly.

This is also a great time to understand that sometimes you don’t know what you don’t know and may have to learn what is too much for you the hard way. When you must learn through experience, forgive yourself for not knowing, and take the gold you have received from the experience.


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