Daily Tarotscopes – July 20, 2024

Daily Tarotscopes – July 20, 2024

Check your daily tarotscope to figure out what is anticipated for you involving soothsaying and numerology for Saturday, July 20, 2024 by zodiac sign.


Tarot card: Seven of Cups

Too many options can lead to a feeling of overwhelm. Opportunities are everywhere, but be careful. Something that appears to be good can be a celestial test or distraction. Not everything that you can do should be done.

You want to choose actions that align with your overall goals and dreams. Be deliberate and focused rather than chase what might be interesting or seem good for everyone. Choose wisely.


Tarot card: Page of Pentacles, reversed

Things happen, and not everything that happens will go how you want it to go. There can be mistakes, errors, or financial mishaps. You may not even be at fault.

As upsetting as it can be to clear up problems you did not create, it’s wonderful that you can do it. This day will be behind you soon. Look ahead. Tomorrow will be much better.


Tarot card: Seven of Wands

Every relationship goes through troubled times. Some people give up on their partner and go to find someone new. Others stick around and fight for their relationship because they believe in it.

Today, you stand at a crossroads where decisions to do one or the other manifest. You have to dig into your heart to figure out what you desire. You may not know that answer right now, but with a little time, you’ll feel certain and can choose the path you need to take.


Tarot card: Ten of Cups

You’ll hit a sweet spot in your life where everything seems to flow naturally and easily for you. Your day will be so good that you’ll wonder why things couldn’t always be this way.

Rather than reflect on how long this day took to arrive or how hard you had to have it before, relish the moment. Dwell in it. Savor this joyful experience and permit yourself to embrace what you have right now.


Tarot card: The Emperor, reversed

Don’t step back when you are meant to take a leap forward. You may feel pushed too far into the limelight. You might think you’re unprepared to take on many additional responsibilities.

Ask yourself if there are things you can do to grow into the life you’re learning to live. Can you find resources or support to mentor you and help you level up?


Tarot card: Death, reversed

Near misses and possible losses are wake-up calls. You learn to be more alert about life’s frailty. You discover that you could lose something you love in a flash but might sometimes take it for granted.

Those precious points of uncertainty are when you become more intentional. You understand why you need to be present and careful when around another person.


Tarot card: Wheel of Fortune

Being kind is never a true waste. It’s your way of ensuring good things come back around to you. As negative energy can take a toll on your life, imagine what stock piling positive and good deeds could do to you in the long run.

Choosing to be a good person reflects who you are and who you want to be. It’s always best to be the bigger and better person.


Tarot card: Five of Swords

Life can be super competitive, and a worthy goal is often heavy, with other people wanting to get to it, too. You might not be the only person trying to get a promotion or land a job.

Instead of worrying that you won’t be the top pick, double down and do your best. You won’t know the outcome right now,


Tarot card: The Empress, reversed

Creativity is such a funny thing. One moment, you’re brimming with lots of ideas. But, then, the next, the mental well has run dry. Where did all that fresh insight and thought go?

It’s hard to backtrack and find the momentum you want to create. You may not get back to your original ideas. The energy will return, so be ready to write them down.


Tarot card: The Fool

Things start, and you will want to seize the moment. You may feel like you’ll miss out if you don’t jump to it now. Try to keep one ear open as you rush ahead.

You may find it hard to pay attention to the warnings of friends and family. While you may choose to ignore what’s said, you can at least hear and use what seems valuable.


Tarot card: Ace of Cups

A new relationship is on the horizon. This could be a friendship or a budding romance. If you’re staying home more than usual, it’s time to go out.

Find something fun to do. Put on your dance shoes. Grab a movie and dinner with a friend. Consider seeing a show.


Tarot card: Five of Pentacles

You don’t have to play the slots to be a gambler, and you don’t need to put yourself in a reckless situation to sustain a significant financial loss.

You simply need to spend more than what you make. You will want to stick to a budget. It can be tough, but you can do it.


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